I transfered middle schools this year and when I signed up, I had to sign up for the lowest band class because I didn't have the teacher recommendation needed to get to the higher classes. I've been playing the clarinet for four years, but since i didn't have a recommendation from a teacher at the school i'm in now, i got put into this class.
the class is mostly in seventh grade, and i'm the only eighth grader in it.
i was supposed to get into an advanced class but the teacher always "forgets" to arrange it with the guidance counselor, and now it's almost the end of the year.
we're playing for the whole school tomorrow during the school day and i know it's going to be so humiliating.... because we don't sound good. actually, we're bad.
and the worst part is, i know i can play better, but people have to think that i can't...
i get so frustrated thinking about it...
what should i do?
it's going to be so humiliating...
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Primary & Secondary Education