The Testing for IQ, is Controversial-the tests of the person Credited with the highest Known IQ, is also controversial and yields many different #s. The joke is, "How can an idiot measure the IQ of a genius?" I postulate that smart people know they are smart, why wouldn't they (?), but stupid people don't know they are stupid, how could they(?). Which is the greater tool and of the most value, a high IQ or being aware to the point of precognition. Is the precognition a product of a high IQ, or a high IQ the result of precognition, or just really quick synaptic junctions? If a person exceeds the tester's ability to evaluate, than are they smarter or have a higher IQ than the highest measured (by the ability to measure). And at what point does Collective Academician Ego enter into the equation and simply, 'draw a line in the sand' and say, "Your property line begins here on your oceanfront house, because that is where the high tide mark is."? Animals are smarter than us, environmentally.
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Words & Wordplay