I've noticed that there's more than one way to set up and wire up your CD-ROM drive. Mainly, there's your analogue connection - and there's the digital connection.
Before you jump for your answer, I'd like you to take a moment and look at your CD-Rom drive - because there really is an analogue cable, for those who are unfamiliar with it.
Yes, by now, I know how to wire up the CD-Rom drive using the analogue cable (the tiny, three-wire, cable that connects the back of your drive to the soundcard/ main board).
However, with digital, how do you do it? See, if you rely only on your ribbon cable for your digital sound, you are not getting your full sound. Your volume shrinks to half the level! Try it.
I haven't yet tried the two-pin digital cable for my drive/ main board. Strangely, my main board manual says it only accepts 'digital out', not 'digital in'!
2 answers
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Yahoo user