I have uploaded my self composed musical CD to Windows Media player, and have sent the file as an attachment, about 30 mins of music to myself and cc'd and bcc'd to friends, and a window appears that it is 'not able to open'. It reads,"make sure it's spelled correctly" and so on... I close that small window, then the Media Player opens but cannot play on what is called playlist 1 (new XP software.switched from 2000 pro), but actually there are two playlist 1's and if I click on playlist 1, in the far upper right hand corner, a small decending box appears with the other Playlist 1. It also has favorites, songs I rated...etc.. I click on thatPlaylist 1 and it works fine..except for a 1/2 second break/skip at the end of some tunes. HELP!! I'm getting closer, but still frustrated as hell!! No one else that I cc or bcc to can open the file. I haven't tried just "send to" to anyone else,, could it be THAT simple? cc and bcc will not forward files? I would'nt think so......
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