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[Selected]: All categories Cars & Transportation Safety

2007-11-19 02:50:46 · 4 answers · asked by TurtleRules99 1

I will be glad when they make a law banning people from using cell phones while driving. They are dangerous.

2007-11-18 21:45:16 · 14 answers · asked by ? 6

I know there's a similar question regarding blowouts, however I'm wondering whether the answer would remain the same if your tire completely left your car?

The reason I'm asking is because about a year ago, I got stranded on the side of the road because my wheel wasn't secured to my car right. Evidently the lugnuts, or something else, on that particular tire weren't completely fastened, so the tire started working its way off the axel. Now, I'm not entirely up to par on how to know what's wrong with my car, so I was going to have it looked at when I got home, but before I could even get to my destination, my wheel rolled across 4 lanes of road.

My questions is whether it is statistically safer to lose a front wheel or rear wheel. I'd also like to know, for my own personal amusement, where I can get data regarding how many incidents like this occur and how bad they end up being. That's probably a bit too detailed than will ever be provided, though.


2007-11-18 18:05:15 · 5 answers · asked by punkfaieth 1

I was thinking of using it to label the inside and outside of my suitcases for when I travel. I was thinking if they get lost it would be easier to get back to me, but can someone use my DL # and steal my identity?

2007-11-17 19:56:46 · 8 answers · asked by Getsbetterwithtime 3

california driving laws

- when asked to submit to a blood or urine test (if your under 18)

A- you do not have the right to consult a lawyer

B - you may seek legal council

C- you need your parent's permission

2007-11-17 19:27:43 · 5 answers · asked by Laura W 1

I was driving in a lane that became a left-turn must turn left lane. The lane is clearly marked, there is no questioning it was a left-turn must turn left lane. I stopped at a red stop light. The light then turned to a green left arrow. I turned left. I completed the turn, and then was pulled over by a cop that was apparently behind me before I turned. It was dark, so I had not noticed him. I was fined and given a ticket with 3 demerits for not signaling before I turned left in the left-turn only lane. I had no record period. Not even a warning. I am not downplaying this event at all. I don't want people raving about how I am guilty or lazy for not signalling. What's done is done. So just don't waste your time telling me that. I want to know how to form a defense agaisnt this ticket, as I will be going to court to fight it. What can I use for a defense? I only want suggestions... Don't freak out on me and leave lectures... You have better things to do with yout time--I hope :)

2007-11-17 16:28:59 · 15 answers · asked by StrtAnsring 1

I was in a car accident today, but no one was seriously injured. I was sitting in the back behind the passenger seat. We were making a u-turn, and a car collided with the side of the car, and smushed in the area around the front, right wheel. The car spun around two times and slid backwards in the lane.

It's been a few hours and I'm feeling really sore, mostly in my back, and I have a headache. I heard that this is normal, but I was wondering when or if I should get it checked out. If I'm still hurting in a few days should I go then, or should I be worrying about it now?

2007-11-17 13:21:41 · 9 answers · asked by ladyoftears1 1

drive up to him and get his license plate and report him so that they can announce that there is a driver that is swerving on the road


leave it and let the accident happen?

2007-11-17 07:08:06 · 40 answers · asked by louierockyjim 2

Why do police, ambulances and fire engines use different sounding sirens? The ones I can think of are the slow rising/falling wail, the much faster yelping sound and then a really fast, irritating one they do in short bursts. Also, are they controlled by the passenger?

2007-11-17 05:55:34 · 15 answers · asked by YourLocalGP 2

on can be held liable for an accident that would not be their fault normally? (Ex. The driver with lights out is driving along an unlit road, another driver pulls out without seeing the vehicle and is t-boned. Can the car without lights be held responsible at all)? This didn't happen to me, I'm just curious.

2007-11-17 05:31:36 · 8 answers · asked by tucsondude 4

2007-11-16 17:41:29 · 13 answers · asked by Insert Name Here 6

1 Get the people that can not chew gum and walk off the road! The DMV might as well give Drivers L. to retards and blind people! At least in my state you don't even have to read or speak english. Now how do they communicate with law enforcement... A quarter maybe more of the people on the road may not have the skill or training to even drive safely!
2 Ticket people for reckless driving when they cause people to "aggressivley drive/go to work, by going too slow in any lane other than the far right lane or shoulder. The people that do not know how to merge with out stopping-merge means merge not stop! There is a wonderful device call the accelerator push it and speed up to merge with traffic.
3 When people make turns stay in your lane!
One of the problems with driving in Northern Va. is that the roads are a free for all with no organization and know respect courtesy or attention.
4 Drive do not talk on the cell phone, shave, put on make-up. German cars used to not have places for drinks.

2007-11-16 15:26:52 · 3 answers · asked by Be responsible towards others 2

and report them.

2007-11-16 10:26:40 · 12 answers · asked by mr g 2

I was wondering about this for a brief second the other day when I was stopped at a stop sign. The rule that says we should give right of way to the driver on the right doesn't make sense in this situation. Do you have an answer? Can you think of other ways driving rules/laws don't make sense in specific situations?

2007-11-15 08:49:21 · 12 answers · asked by Idontknow 1

why do so many drivers not put their lights on at dusk or in conditions of poor visibility ? are they just plain stupid ?

2007-11-15 06:17:08 · 7 answers · asked by blackfirebeetle 3

Is there a new law that says your vehicle must have at least one brake- or tail-light malfunctioning , or are lots of people out there too stuck-up and stupid to check? When did you last check your lights?

2007-11-15 05:58:21 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

I just bought the new CR-V (Honda) and got an AT car for the first time. I always use "D" when I drive but my bf said using 2 and 1 would be better. When would I use them? What difference does it make? Can I save gas using them?

2007-11-15 04:04:18 · 5 answers · asked by jessy_a 2

I was recently pulled over by a cop for unsafe lane change. I disagree with the ticket. I just want to know the criteria or examples that signify unsafe lane change. If you have a website that states the criteria that would be great!

2007-11-15 03:53:01 · 6 answers · asked by Blastopore 2

2007-11-15 02:39:41 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

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