my fiance and i were in a turn lane, just trying to turn so we could get to a resturant for lunch. in my town, at every stoplight, it usually works in this order. say you come up to a red light and have to stop right away. you stay stopped for a bit, then a green arrow will come on saying its ok to turn left, then the whole light will go green so everybody not in the turn lanes can go. today though, at this particular light, we seriously sat for about ten minutes, and through three sets of light changes with no green arrow. the whole light would turn green, then yellow, then red, and then the light for the cross traffic would turn green. the cross traffic got their green arrows. why didnt we? could something have been wrong with the light? what is the longest you have waited at a stoplight? it was irritating, because we have never seen that happen of any of the other 3 dozen or so lights in this town.
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asked by
Ashley M