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Business & Finance - 15 August 2007

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Advertising & Marketing · Careers & Employment · Corporations · Credit · Insurance · Investing · Other - Business & Finance · Personal Finance · Renting & Real Estate · Small Business · Taxes

For Nov and Dec 2006 only half payments were made each time. I don't remember making half payments twice and can only find the bank transaction for two half payments to the lender.

Both paid in the months due but reported to the credit bureaus as late payments by 30 days at least 2 times. This reporting has brought my credit score down I'm sure. Can I dispute it?

I have proof of the half payments. If I submit it to the bureaus will they retract it so that it does not read that way on my credit report? I was told that if you pay something they can't report it as late or unpaid for that month. I didn't make half payments deliberately as I would not have done that twice.

Also, Does correcting multiple mistakes like address and name mistakes raise your credit score? I pulled all three reports and they all have multiple variations of my name, past addresses, and places of employment. Does that bring my score down due to suspicion? Do disputes look bad?

2007-08-15 17:33:17 · 4 answers · asked by n10selady75 2 in Credit

I rented 1 DVD from an independent video rental store. The DVD was returned on time through the night deposit box. This was 4 years ago. I recently checked my credit report and saw that a collection agency had reported that I owe this store $117.00. I disputed this debt, and the collection agency replied with a printout from the video store that said I never returned the DVD, and that there are nearly $80.00 in late fees. I am assuming the $80 is for something other than the $20 DVD because that would be illegal, but the printout doesn't specify. What can I do here? The collection agency is threatening to take me to court. How can I prove these charges are bogus?

2007-08-15 17:29:43 · 9 answers · asked by derek c 1 in Credit

I was told by a real estate agent when I bought my house I could rent it. Now I am told I can't, and I have to sell my house. How can I sell it easily? Any ideas? I did for sale by owner recently, is there ANOTHER way to pay off the house and equity line, even if I can't make anything, just to get rid of it, it is too much of a headache for me. I heard that there is a company that will buy your house from you while you build a new --anyone know it?

2007-08-15 17:29:03 · 5 answers · asked by Tracy L 1 in Renting & Real Estate

open the door for them, offer them coffee, water or a soda, shake their hand, and after their transaction or what ever business they are conducting, if it is raining out, they want us to escort them out of the bank to their car with an umbrella, I think this is a bit excessive don't you or am I just being unfriendly.

2007-08-15 17:28:05 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Careers & Employment

Good afternoon Mr. XXXXX, its John Smith from Brooklyn Distributors.

As we discussed, you no longer need my products going forward.

I would however like to ask something from you.

“IF” you know anyone, that you think might be interested in my products and services (I’m a full service distributor as I normally stock and price items for customers who need it)

I would appreciate it if you can refer me to them or give me the lead.

I thank you for your past business, and I wish you the best going forward.

2007-08-15 17:19:10 · 5 answers · asked by marcecore 1 in Small Business

I never registered with D&B, but i'm listed with them. why?? dont u have to pay to build a credit profile with them??

2007-08-15 17:15:56 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous in Corporations

I am looking for a Building code database. State by state , locality by locality. Anything is better than I have now.


2007-08-15 17:11:06 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous in Small Business

I am going to a local (accredited) community college to get an Associate of Applied Science in Accounting. After I graduate, I would like to open my own accounting business in which I do people's taxes, provide financial advice, and help with other legal financial forms (such as the FAFSA). Would an AAS be sufficient for this goal? Or, do I need more education?

2007-08-15 17:10:43 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Small Business

that W-2 form when you get hired where they will take alot out of my check so I can pick it up at the end of the year? Is it the higher the number the less they take out and the lower the number the more they take out or what? It always confuses me. Im single and im gonna file head of household and I have two dependents (my son-3)(my daughter -1month) so what i need to put to get the most income tax back with the earned income credit???

2007-08-15 17:08:48 · 5 answers · asked by jordynorr 1 in United States

I want to put my life right and start anew and pursue the dreams I once had, I am 24 yrs old, severely overweight, my health is failing, I suffer from severe depression and everything seems hopeless. I want to pull out from these things but I don't have the money to do it. I want to pursue an art career in either illustration, graphic design or even culinary arts. But I don't have the finances to do so. I have student loans from when I tried to go to college but dropped out cause I lost my way and interest. What can I do to get my life back together while being broke.

2007-08-15 17:06:51 · 17 answers · asked by Cat's Eye Angie 3 in Personal Finance

Let's say you bought a put option and decide to exercise it at some point. Since you are in theory selling shares of stocks you borrowed (from the broker I assume???) is there a chance that those shares will not be available to be sold when you go to exercise it? Or will your put always be executed?

2007-08-15 17:02:46 · 2 answers · asked by blackratsnake 5 in Investing

How does it benefit you? For instance if you inherited a large amount of money or attained a large amount of money, how would you benefit from a trust account?

2007-08-15 17:01:53 · 6 answers · asked by #1 Lady 1 in Personal Finance

Why is it that 3 days in a row the market has crashed?

2007-08-15 17:01:34 · 6 answers · asked by Matt R 1 in Investing

My husband & I want to sell our house FAST. We just bought it last June & at that time it was appraised for $115,000 but we paid $102,000. We don't care if we make any money off it we just want to move. We are looking into buying a bigger house for our growing family, but want to selling this one first.

2007-08-15 16:56:48 · 6 answers · asked by justaskme 3 in Renting & Real Estate

Also what do bank tellers make an hour and what are there basic job duties.

2007-08-15 16:52:40 · 2 answers · asked by Oscar A 2 in Other - Careers & Employment

Does anyone have ideas on how to negotiate with my landlord to let me have an adult, housebroken dog in my apartment?

2007-08-15 16:52:22 · 4 answers · asked by IwannaDoggy 1 in Renting & Real Estate

Does anybody else have this problem? Correct me If I'm wrong but aren't you suppose to get breaks usually one 15 min every two hours? Well I work at a place that is breaking the law, because we get a break every 3 hours!?

As for my question can I get fired for refusing to work overtime? This week we've been doing some hard labor working at a tire warehouse unloading trucks with 2,000 tires for 2 days and plus the general labor really makes your back hurt. Today we were suppose to work overtime and all the workers and myself said we couldn't and walked out and my boss was pissed off so bad. This is the second time we've done it but, there comes a point and time where enough is enough and you can't handle extra overtime. All my boss cares about is pleasing his customers and working our asses off, but when we ask for a raise he says we haven't eanrned it yet? My question is can we all get fired for refusing to work overtime, he can't punish all of us right?


2007-08-15 16:49:24 · 2 answers · asked by money mike 3 in Law & Legal

Im 13, And...I Want A Job, I Need Money...And My Parents Say I Should...What Jobs Are There..That You Can Do...Doesnt matter, Just Need 1.

2007-08-15 16:49:12 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Careers & Employment

I suck at math, there is no hope. I am great at English, but I am having a hard time finding a school/career path that doesnt involve that F*CKING math. Give me some ideas please, THANKS!

2007-08-15 16:41:19 · 4 answers · asked by mccabe 1 in Other - Careers & Employment

they are intended for long term residence? in what are they different from classical hotel rooms?

2007-08-15 16:40:31 · 4 answers · asked by staarkali 3 in Corporations

i work for a hospital in the food department, i have been there almost 2 years. a few months back my manager found out i might be taking a hotel job and wasnt too happy and later on said he didnt want me to go and that he would see about getting me training in other parts of our department. well needless to say i did not take the hotel job and i never got training.

i finally got offered a job working with animals, which is really what i wanted to do all along, we are extremely short staffed and i really want to take this job working with animals in 2 to 3 weeks. how do i tell my employer about this considering the bosses are scrambling to find people to work other peoples shifts because we are so under staffed. i know its not my problem that he cant have enough sense to hire more employees, but i really want to take this animal job and feel like im STUCK in the middle. help?

2007-08-15 16:39:52 · 4 answers · asked by kburgess612 1 in Other - Careers & Employment

I heard that investment interest are deductible against my income tax...is this true? I am planning to borrow a small amount of money from my family member to make investments into various blue chip stocks, and I will pay an interest of 5.75% per year to that person. Also, would I have to issue a 1099-INT for the family member I borrow the money from or would it not be necessary since I am borrowing the money on a individual level and not as a corporation/entity as part of ordinary course of business? Thank you for your help!!

2007-08-15 16:35:18 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Taxes

My husband has got a new job, his current employer sent home this massive packet, which is like latin to my husband and I. We are unsure if his new job accepts rollovers, we have left a message with their CFO. It isnt that much money. Can someone explain the penalty for lump sum distribution vs. rollover? My husband does know that his new company does not start 401k til after the 90days probationary period? In the paperwork it mentions rollovers have to be distrubted during a 60day period or penalties will incur. I have looked into IRA's and they all require way more money than what he has in his 401k.
thanks all I am at my wits end.

2007-08-15 16:30:44 · 3 answers · asked by Jenn N Kentucky 4 in Personal Finance

2007-08-15 16:29:28 · 1 answers · asked by tommy r 5 in Renting & Real Estate

I had one done by a potential lender - they said it came in @ $225K and I have a loan bal @ $239K. They said they couldn't help me - I know the market has slowed down, but I don't think that it went below for what I purchased it for. Should I try another lender or am I going to get the same result. I have a pool, the house has been kept well, I'm replacing the flooring. Other market comps came between $236K - $260K. Please shine some light on what I probably should do. It has been a very frustrating experience so far.

2007-08-15 16:28:14 · 4 answers · asked by Missy L 1 in Renting & Real Estate

I am thinking about which courses to take

2007-08-15 16:27:13 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Careers & Employment

I'm looking to find out what are the pros and cons of having my meet in Malaysia vs. other neighboring countries (e.g. HK, Thailand...). It's intended for an audience of 200+; work-related but of course with an option for leisure. The audience would be coming from within the AsiaPac region. Date of meet is tentatively set for Q12008.

2007-08-15 16:16:34 · 2 answers · asked by AlexG 1 in Other - Business & Finance

I live in MA and im 16. how do i ope na bank account? what documents do i need?

2007-08-15 16:11:53 · 9 answers · asked by ¤AFTERN00N L0VAH¤ 2 in Personal Finance

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