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Business & Finance - 1 August 2007

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Advertising & Marketing · Careers & Employment · Corporations · Credit · Insurance · Investing · Other - Business & Finance · Personal Finance · Renting & Real Estate · Small Business · Taxes

I recently got my car insurance in my own name. Once I start making on time payments will the credit bureaus see that as an account in good standing with on time payments and ulitmately raise my credit score?

2007-08-01 04:14:09 · 8 answers · asked by Jansen Y 2 in Credit

2007-08-01 04:11:56 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Careers & Employment

My husband has an account with Dell that has around $900 left to pay on it. We pay around $100 each month on it, always on time and thats well over the minimum. At the time he opened the account, his credit was, well, less than desirable to say the least and they gave him an interest rate of around 18%.

Since opening the account a few years ago, he has made drastic improvements to his credit (to the point we qualified to buy a house). I was wondering if it is possible to get the company to lower his interest rate considering things are a lot better and he has paid them more than the minimum and always been on time with them. The 18% is killing most of the payments we are making, and it sure would be nice to get rid of this bill once and for all!

What approach should we take? Thanks!

2007-08-01 04:11:33 · 9 answers · asked by ASH 6 in Credit

The place I am renting is better than I have ever had. I have just got it the way I want it. The problem is the rent just went up and I got offered a place I had put my name on a list two years ago. The new place goes based on my fixed income. The new place would be 1/4 the amount I am paying now. With my fixed income and the place I have now, I can barely pay utilities. But it is a wonderful place. If I move I will have to give up one bedroom, two decks, a woodburning stove and a garden. I also cannot take my kitties as they will not allow them even with a note from my doc. Help!

2007-08-01 04:08:52 · 5 answers · asked by sisterwater92 2 in Renting & Real Estate

My ex husband stopped making payments on a car I cosigned on after I filed for divorce. The car was repo'd before the divorce was final. Anyway, I'm trying to buy a house and the lender is requesting a letter explaining the repossession. Can anyone provide me with a site that has a sample letter?

2007-08-01 04:00:24 · 4 answers · asked by luvlyeyes26 2 in Renting & Real Estate

I've dealt with about 4 Realtors already in about 2 years trying to find my first home (in California) which has been so far a bad experience and unsuccessful. In my experiences thus far I'm come to the conculsion that all Realtors are just greedy used house salesman who really don't have my best interest in mind. How do I go about representing myself in looking at houses or if I want to make a offer on a home. I would like to eliminate a Realtor altogether as a middle man. I would appreciate any advise given!

2007-08-01 03:56:41 · 16 answers · asked by Tab 1 in Renting & Real Estate

IRS is hitting my paycheck hard. I can't even afford to buy my daughter school clothes, much less supplies, so it's only obvious that I don't have the retainer fee to hire a rep. Any advice on handling this problem myself? Every bit of info I found on the net, comes with a high price tag. How do I end this? The garnishments are causing much hardship for my family and the IRS don't seem to place too much importance on the fact that I'm trying to raise my daughter. Why should she have to suffer for my mistakes? I'm trying to handle this in a responsible manner, however I seem to be going nowhere. Could someone point me in the right direction? Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

2007-08-01 03:56:40 · 7 answers · asked by antiqueruby2000 2 in United States

i dont want to work today and the rest of the week anymore..i dont ike the job.. but my boss is very nice to me..what will i do

2007-08-01 03:54:54 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Careers & Employment

in my small town, you HAVE to be 16 to get a job at any local store. i need some simple solutions so raising money.

2007-08-01 03:49:15 · 6 answers · asked by chantel_lasley 1 in Personal Finance

Ok, so my brother made some bad choices and pretty much ruined his credit rating. He is paying off his debt now but is trying to get his rating up if possible. I have heard that I could put him as an authorized user on my credit cards (I would not give him a card to use though) and his credit will benefit from my good rating. However, will his credit affect mine in any way, vice versa?

2007-08-01 03:47:03 · 3 answers · asked by aml0017 5 in Credit

I have a number of late payments on my report. One for a macy's credit card and another for my bank of america. How do I ge them off! They were late because I was just out of college and did not have a job. I have since paid them down and have been making regular on-time payments but they are literally killing. I have a total of 15 late payments. 10 for Macy's and the other 5 for bank of america.

I was thinking I would send a dispute letter for the late payments that occur in 2005 and 2006 (July 2005, June 2006, September 2006 & Oct 2006)

Any advice?? I cannot wait 7 years for them to fall off. I now have a great job and want to buy a condo but my credit score is 545 and is kicking my butt! Thanks for your help. If you recommend writing a goodwill letter, please please please provide a sample one and what I should say.

Thanks again!

2007-08-01 03:42:13 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Credit

Leaving a company where I worked for 12 years to start something new. Nervous about it. Any helpful tips on relaxing.

2007-08-01 03:36:18 · 4 answers · asked by rogelio10461 1 in Other - Careers & Employment

income while I am looking for a new job.

2007-08-01 03:32:28 · 2 answers · asked by Steam 3 in Personal Finance

And On Your Food?
Only In The United Kingdom?
How Stupid Is That?

2007-08-01 03:31:13 · 5 answers · asked by missmollie 4 in United Kingdom

I just got married recently. It is just me and my wife. What should i claim on my paycheck so that I am best suited down the road. Also what should she claim. Thanks.

2007-08-01 03:30:50 · 6 answers · asked by biged140 2 in United States

I had a phone interview with a marketing reasearch located 3 states away (4 hrs car, 3 hrs train). The employee desrcibed the position to me, it seemed like a good fit, and i was pretty confident that i had a good chance at the job. so i purchased an amtrak ticket and rode 3 hrs down to DC only to find that they were interviewing for a senior-level position. I just graduated with my masters and only have under 1 year of experience working market research. Why the hell would they interview me for a senior position? The dialouge part of the interview went great. I was giving great responses and asking questions. BUT there was the assessment part and i completely bombed because i couldn't do half of the tasks. What a waste of my time and money. Why didn't the first interviewer (over the phone) see that even though i had my master's i was CLEARLY not senior-level? I guess i should've researched it too, but i didn't realize i had to be at a certain level with these statistical programs

2007-08-01 03:23:04 · 6 answers · asked by jerseegal 2 in Other - Careers & Employment

Ok i am20 yrs old..i have 4 credit cards: macys, Victorias secret, capital one , and at&t...i wish somebody would have told me never to never get them,...nevertheless all of them have been sent to collections except 2 ..i'm makin payments on all of them now..If i pay off allof them by the end of the year will my credit still be bad...if i paid them off and dont get anymore??....you see i'm trying to get a car the end of the year nothing big maybe a mazda 3 or a scion t.c...but i want to know what to expect..would my credit still be damaged for life??????????

2007-08-01 03:11:37 · 6 answers · asked by ~Jessi~ 1 in Personal Finance

When an employer is checking with past employers for a potential new employee, what can be asked and what can be legally answered?

2007-08-01 03:05:52 · 7 answers · asked by itsmelulu 1 in Law & Legal

Am selling a house, it was sold for $50,000. At the signing yesterday, the documents say that the house was sold for $63,000. I asked about it, and the broker said it was "just fluff" because the buyer couldn't get a mortgage without inflating the price.
We were expecting to get about $10,000 after everything was said and done, but we're only getting $3150, yet the same paperwork says we're getting over $21,000.
The buyer in this case has been, for the last 7 years, on a verbal lease to pay all bills on this house while he lived there, until he could get his own mortgage. Upon serving him with a 10 day eviction notice, he decided he wanted to buy the house.
He hasn't paid the trash since 2002, is always late with the mortgage payments (in my husband's name!!) and the remaining amount on my husband's mortgage should have been only around $15,000, but due to all the late payments from the lessee, it ended up being $34,000.
Any advice? Anything illegal going on with the sale?

2007-08-01 03:04:15 · 11 answers · asked by NONAME 2 in Renting & Real Estate

2007-08-01 03:04:00 · 1 answers · asked by denisea0128 1 in Other - Business & Finance

I have been wanting to go on a trip but have a hard time figuring out how to pay for it. If I save money for the trip then waste the money for the trip then I wont have very much in my savings when I get back. If I pay for it by credit card I'm afraid the intrests will make me pay double what I paid for. Maybe there are other ways, I don't know. I wish i was wiser when it came to this stuff. Please give your best advice. Thank you and please enjoy the rest of your day. : )

2007-08-01 03:01:17 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Personal Finance

I have a simple one page text only website. I went to submit it to "Scrub the Web" search engine, and the "meta tag analizer" said I need to construct a "robots txt file" for my website. Should I do it?

2007-08-01 02:53:57 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Search Engine Optimization

I live in Michigan and I have been working for the same hotel for 4 years, I got a new boss and things here arn't going so well...if I quit, can I claim un-employment or will I have to be fired in order to file?

2007-08-01 02:52:22 · 9 answers · asked by avatars_cherubim 3 in Other - Careers & Employment

I would appreciate the expertise and experience of professional traders

2007-08-01 02:49:00 · 3 answers · asked by Andrew T 1 in Investing

I bought my first home in March of 06. Im 28 and the best rate i could get at the time was 9.5%. My intent was to rough it out untill a year later, so i could refinance. After working with a family friend in the mortgage industry, everything is set for me to be locked in around 6.5% but my problem is my house appraisal is too low in order to finance the 95% of the loan. So basically i need to have my house appraise around 20-30k more than it is now. Any suggestions as of what low cost things i can do??? Any appraisers out there who know what to look for to help me out?? Im so close to reduce my monthly payment!!! Please help me

-struggling broke homeowner

2007-08-01 02:46:44 · 9 answers · asked by Lucky 1 in Renting & Real Estate

I need the money by the end of the week. Please no scammers. I'm tired of people trying to get me to pay transfer fees, insurance fees, and non collateral fees. I need someone who is not going to charge me any fees

2007-08-01 02:43:50 · 11 answers · asked by ccqueen94 1 in Credit

i had make the first money tranfer and now this bank ask for one money transfer in order to credit me the money.

2007-08-01 02:40:18 · 18 answers · asked by ngc 1 in Credit

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