I deposited $500 on a poker website through an echeck. They gave me the money to play with on their website. About a week later, they say that the echeck has not cleared due to "invalid account number status" (but i had given them the correct name, account number, and routing number!). My bank account was never charged. I lost the money I played with (damn blackjack!). What happens if I do nothing? Will my credit be ruined? I gave them all the right information, they just didn't take money out. Now they want me to fill out one of their forms and fax it with a photocopy of a voided check and my driver's license.
I have to go through all of this hassle just so they will take $500 from my account which I lost on their website. A hassle, right? Oh, my account was deactivated until I fax those forms. I called them and without giving them my name, I asked what could be done if I had enough money to pay off the debt in my account?
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