First of all I worked for a small company of about 50 plus employess.Well I had to take time off of work for my daughter who had brain surgery. I was gone three weeks, and was told that I had no worries my job was safe. When I got back to work, I had lost my position and was told that I am a floater now and that they will keep me working as long as they could. (In the mean time they hire 3 part time employees and 2 employees from a Temp agency). When I questioned why we had the temps doing work that I was capable of doing, I was told that I lost my seniority ( I had worked there 1 year 6 months) since I took time off for my daughter. I was also told that they would have let me go sooner, but the partner in the company did think that was right. Any way the answer to my questions as to why they are keeping the temps was that I made a commitment to them, but your are a great employee, a hard worker and we really like you, but we dont have enough work to keep you busy.
Is this legal?
18 answers
asked by
christine w
Careers & Employment