This consumer product costs $7 each and I like the product. While cheaper ones are available in the market, the special features of this particular product are unique, which I like.
And they also make an additional one-time offer. They say, 'buy just 1 unit now, and if you like it, subsequently buy 15 units of the same for $100, and we'll return your $100 after 3 years with 5% simple interest, i.e., $115. You can take the 15 units right now, or in 4 installments of any number of units per installment, over the 3 years, any time of your choice." I would require 10 to 20 units per year, anyway.
They say, the reason for this offer is to meet their cash flow, by making customers who like their products to buy more units, by paying them early. They say, this offer also means they hold me insured against future price increases.
I'm hearing of them just now.
Should I take this offer or is there a catch?
Is there any extra information I should ask from them before accepting it?
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Other - Business & Finance