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Business & Finance - 12 December 2006

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Advertising & Marketing · Careers & Employment · Corporations · Credit · Insurance · Investing · Other - Business & Finance · Personal Finance · Renting & Real Estate · Small Business · Taxes

I would pay for college, buy my car, and put the rest in the bank.

What would you do with your million dollars?

2006-12-12 14:09:44 · 6 answers · asked by letinplease 1 in Personal Finance

I just recieved in the mail a $247 check from my hospital. Pay to the order of ME! I don't understand. I went to the hospital last month for a first degree burn on my hand that happened at work. Workers Compensation covered the bill and the prescription 100%. I didn't pay anything at all. This is the only time I've been to the Emergency Room in over 10 years and the last time I went to the doctor was over a year ago for a bad cold. I don't understand why they are sending me money. Should I go ahead and cash it? Why would they be sending me money? Are they going to ask for it back in a few weeks? What should I do?

2006-12-12 14:05:20 · 5 answers · asked by special_kt9 2 in Other - Business & Finance

I ran into some issues with money for a year. I sold my house and had some outstanding debt for my cable/phone/electricity companies. I didnt have enought funds to pay these off before they went to collections. Now they are on my report for about 300-450 dollars. How do I get them removed? Pay them off? I hear that they dont come off but then others say they do. Does paying them off raise my fico score?

2006-12-12 14:03:18 · 9 answers · asked by cantholdmd 2 in Credit

Looking into my wallet today, I noticed I am now strapped for Christmas cash. That led me to wondering why did banks ever discontinue their Christmas Club account business? Does anyone know? ( For you youngsters, a Christmas Club was an account you could put money into during the year, but not take out of until after Thanksgiving) Sure, if I could come up with a lump sum of 500 to 1000 dollars, I would put it in a CD to hold until next Christmas; that just never seems to happen since I live paycheck to paycheck.

2006-12-12 14:00:10 · 5 answers · asked by Flea© 5 in Personal Finance

Got myself in a little over my head with the credit card thing....any suggestions on what to do to get out with out filing for bankruptcy????

2006-12-12 13:59:21 · 11 answers · asked by Miss MotoX 2 in Credit

If you could make up a name for a credit card, what would it be? My daughter is doing a project for school and needs to know some different answers.

2006-12-12 13:58:56 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Credit

2006-12-12 13:56:45 · 4 answers · asked by anti_socialparanoid 1 in United States

I make $50 a week at a part-time job. How much do you make?

2006-12-12 13:56:22 · 3 answers · asked by casew2 3 in Careers & Employment

I was told by a private school teacher that a Medical assistant is a nurse. The ranks are: RN, LVN/LPN, MA, and CNA. Is this true?

2006-12-12 13:46:52 · 9 answers · asked by roxylee11782 4 in Careers & Employment

this year the company just merged with another company and we are working with an office that is nearby, we have decided to have a grab-bag where we buy a generic gift and to out to dinner, I really do not want to do this this year am I wrong for now wanting to particiapte, I usually do not like to socialize outside the office, I see these people during the week and after work I just like to do my own thing.

2006-12-12 13:46:20 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Careers & Employment

I'm looking to file a patent, but have no prior experience. Can you give me as much detail as possible about the easiest way for a novice such as myself to go about doing this?

2006-12-12 13:42:15 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Business & Finance

I dont know where to even go to get started. But I want to publish at least one childrens book in my life, and I know Im not too bad!
Any advice?

2006-12-12 13:41:41 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Careers & Employment

If you have a very straight forward deal, why do you need a lawyer? Let's say you promise to pay someone back $10,000 over 4 months or else he can take your car, then can't you write it big poster board and both sign it? And then have someone snap a picture of the both of you and him together shaking hands in front of the poster board and use it in court? You can probably write the contract in 20 words or less. I may be naive, but please inform me.

2006-12-12 13:40:51 · 2 answers · asked by Ilooklikemyavatar..exactly 3 in Other - Business & Finance

Heres the situation.... my ex wife and i had an agreement in the divorce decree that stated we were to have split custody of our 2 kids, {1 week with me....1 week with her}..., and for tax purposes we would each be able to claim 1 on our taxes. In real life, this has not happened... the kids have lived with me {im a single dad} for all of the year...total time spent with her would not end up to be more then a couple weeks, tops. Im also sure i could prove this to be true in court as the kids are in school, daycare, etc. Can i legally claim them both as dependents since they lived with me?

2006-12-12 13:36:27 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in United States

I found out thru the BBB that the business has closed and there was no forwarding address or phone numbers left for the company. The policy is paid up till age 25, however now that I am trying to find out info to take it over I am finding out the company is closed. I am planning to contact the dept of insurance for the state tomorrow but what are my options legally? Did the company have to legally transfer my policy or did they have to insure my policy in case of the company going bankrupt? What happens now?

2006-12-12 13:35:06 · 7 answers · asked by amason1226 4 in Insurance

first of all i incur heavy losses then some money is left over i use this money and incur profits but considering my principle amount in one year there is no profit or no loss this has been going around for nearly 2 years shou;d i leave stock market and find a job elsewhere or should i take my chances.

2006-12-12 13:31:55 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Investing

Do I need to charge sales tax for customers who is based in other state other than New Jersey ?

2006-12-12 13:28:18 · 4 answers · asked by James L 1 in United States

2006-12-12 13:27:14 · 4 answers · asked by CARLA F 1 in Credit

Interested in any other job positions in San Antonio as long as the Pay is above 38K.

2006-12-12 13:24:45 · 4 answers · asked by Killerbee_72936 1 in Careers & Employment

2006-12-12 13:23:19 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Credit

I sold my house and the title company closed well over a month ago. I'm still waiting for final copies of the paperwork from the Title company. What I want are copies which were signed by both parties. I believe it is my right to have copies of these documents in my posession. I have tried calling the Title company. The person who processed my closing does not return my calls. I also left messages with the Title Operations Manager, and he is not returning my calls either. My Realtor's office has also been calling on my behalf and they say the Title company is not returning their calls either. I've since moved out-of-state so walking in the front door and getting in someone's face is not an option. Should I get an attorney at this point or should I wait a little longer?

2006-12-12 13:22:16 · 3 answers · asked by KC 4 in Renting & Real Estate

I have worked at the local bowling alley adn have cut grass and worked for the city doign meial tasks, im looking for somethign thta would be a little more involved/interesteing and well-paying. One idea was a car salesman, or ups any ideas would be helpful

2006-12-12 13:19:15 · 7 answers · asked by robmate01 1 in Careers & Employment

Specifically for conventinal and ALT-A.

2006-12-12 13:14:38 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Renting & Real Estate

that not bellongs to me. What can I do to reverse these Judgements and clear my credit report?

2006-12-12 13:12:50 · 3 answers · asked by jr5594 2 in Credit

is it also really true that i could actually keep all the receipts of what i buy since they're all taking taxes like 8.8% every item and use them for my income tax return???

2006-12-12 13:09:35 · 7 answers · asked by wiselady 1 in United States

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