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Business & Finance - 1 December 2006

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Advertising & Marketing · Careers & Employment · Corporations · Credit · Insurance · Investing · Other - Business & Finance · Personal Finance · Renting & Real Estate · Small Business · Taxes

2006-12-01 06:07:38 · 22 answers · asked by Andrea S 1 in Careers & Employment

After much reading, I am looking for the best approach. I have 3 open accounts listed with the 3 agencies. The total amounts are small ($425, $763, $178).

Is it best to first send out a registered letter of dispute to each collection agency and see if they respond within 30 days? If not then report it to the credit agencies?

Or do I just pay the collection fee's and move on? After trying to pay the full amount owed ($763) and getting $200 in interest thrown in my face, I am hesitant to try and settle with the others.


a.) How to best handle the existing negative tradelines?
b.) What steps do you advise to start the credit repair process?
c.) Is it possible to remove payroll deducted child support from the credit report itself? I’m not sure if this is standard but child support shows up as credit?
d.) Any way to dispute the late charges from the mortgage and 2nd mortgage? Can I request that they prove that I was late and since it was 3+ years ago they may have trouble?

2006-12-01 06:06:02 · 4 answers · asked by Big Daddy 2 in Credit

The really pointless stuff! I can arrange parcels well!!!!

2006-12-01 06:05:35 · 9 answers · asked by emily_jane2379 5 in Careers & Employment

By this I mean a personally fulfilling occupation which interests you, rather than something that'l earn you heaps. See, I've trained as a teacher, always thought I would have a career, have experience with all sorts of children, but can't get a teaching job. I work in a shop, a pub, and do agency work- occasionally teaching, usually nursery work being bossed about by well meaning kind teenagers when I am like 10yrs older with heaps more experience and education than me. I just want a permanant job, but I feel like I'm selling my soul to do something I don't care about. Is a career really necessary for happiness, or can you just get on with work and go home and enjoy life outside work? Does it matter?

2006-12-01 06:03:30 · 6 answers · asked by emily_jane2379 5 in Careers & Employment

Is there a way to consolidate medical bills?

2006-12-01 05:59:59 · 3 answers · asked by Tre2 2 in Personal Finance

If i have a credit score of 801/774, and I wanted to rent an apartment, could it make my payments lower? Or does it just make the possibility of getting the apartment higher?
Thanks =]

2006-12-01 05:58:26 · 11 answers · asked by toonlink 5 in Renting & Real Estate

Not sure if certain judgements weigh over others. IE, lawyer garnishment vs credit card vs sheriffs dept?? Can your employer put one over the other..?

2006-12-01 05:50:57 · 3 answers · asked by Thomas F 1 in Personal Finance

Bob Brown was recently involved in a minor auto accident. His car was hit from behind, and he, in turn, slammed into the car in front of him. He would like someone to explain his coverage and show him where, in his auto policy, each of his losses might be covered. The explanantion of coverage and the location of coverage should be in general terms for most auto insurance policies, please do not use only your personal auto insurance policy as your guide for your response.

Help him out by doing that for each of the following items.

The cost of a medical checkup for his passenger, Ruth
The front and rear damage to his car
The damage to the car in front of him
The damage to the car behind him
The total amount of liability protection for bodily harm and property damage

2006-12-01 05:50:05 · 7 answers · asked by loverstornlovers 1 in Insurance

My husband and I have hit an all time low. We have tried to get loans, but my husband has less then perfect credit. To be totally honest he has horrible credit. I need to know does anyone know where we can get a loan from without too much trouble? Please help, SERIOUS ANSWERS ONLY PLEASE!

2006-12-01 05:49:42 · 7 answers · asked by Barbara B 2 in Credit

I checked my credit report last year and it listed as one of my former names the last name of my mother's ex-husband.

This is completely an error because that was never my last name and I recieve junk mail in that name frequently.

Would I have to show any sort of proof?

2006-12-01 05:43:42 · 3 answers · asked by luvfurypassionenergybabe 5 in Credit

2006-12-01 05:41:55 · 6 answers · asked by branisha r 1 in Investing

is that a good investment in todays climate?

2006-12-01 05:39:56 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Renting & Real Estate

Ok so I have been told that I can have my student loans deducted, and well..I have heard from a tax agent, that this is true, however, he forgot to mention how much I can get written off, and he was also talking about write offs and deductions, can you please elaborate on that, because I'm really confused! HELP!! Thanks!

2006-12-01 05:35:25 · 2 answers · asked by Om... 3 in Other - Taxes

I went to buy groceries the other day and when I swiped my credit card, I was denied. I just got my bill from my company and still have over 1,000$ left on my credit line. I make more than the min. payment and pay well before the due date and have never been late in the 2 years I've had this card.

I've tried to contact the company to no avail.

Why am I being denied?

2006-12-01 05:34:51 · 13 answers · asked by Zoer 5 in Credit

2006-12-01 05:33:33 · 7 answers · asked by mister roy jones 2 in Credit

I think that America is slowly going down a slippery slope in terms of its economic stance (From what I have heard) and I think that big corporations like Wal-Mart are damaging our economy...

2006-12-01 05:30:45 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Corporations

Why it is everyone thinks they can start a business on the internet and magically make millions? The truth of the matter is you must work smart and hard for your money.
Is there anyone out there that still believes in themselves enough to make money the old fashion way? I see a great many people looking for work and big paydays but do not want to place substantive effort into it. Is there anyone out there who wants to make serious money for serious effort?

2006-12-01 05:30:42 · 6 answers · asked by nmp948 4 in Careers & Employment

I’m trying to find the “LOGIK” manufacturer’s website, any ideas of the address? It’s an mp3 player which is not working and I want to get in touch with the people who made it.

2006-12-01 05:29:34 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Corporations

" I read that banks lend out money by simply typing it into a computer and loaning it out. They do not lend the money belonging to other depositors. This money from nothing is to be paid back with interest though. Wow what a racket that is!

2006-12-01 05:29:26 · 10 answers · asked by swankoid 1 in Personal Finance

2006-12-01 05:28:42 · 4 answers · asked by smartypants 1 in Investing

i dont have money taken out my pay check so i suppose to pay my own taxes so who do i pay it to

2006-12-01 05:25:37 · 2 answers · asked by narrahsharp@sbcglobal.net 1 in United States

If you have a referal link that will get you a "reward" and me a free pay day loan (of course I pay back what I borrowed, just no outragous fees) I know they exist because I used one a little over a month ago, I just cant find the site

2006-12-01 05:24:03 · 11 answers · asked by AntzaGurl 3 in Personal Finance

I got into a very serious car accident about 6 weeks ago, and have been unable to work. I make $8.50 an hour when I do work though, so my wages are slim. I am also a single mother of two young children. My ex husband does pay child support, but it is not much. My hospital bills have racked up, and I simply cannot afford to pay them since I'm not even back at work yet. Does any know of a form letter or can any of you attempt to write a letter to my hospital/doctors to ask them to write off the non-insurance portion of my debt? So far it is at about $5000, but that only covers my first hospital stay, as I got readmitted a week after my first stay. Before insurance totals are well over $125K so far, so they did get a hefty payment from my insurance. I'm not trying to weasel my way out of payments, I am just in extreme hardship right now and don't want this to ruin me for years if I can help it. Please save your negative comments. Thank you!

2006-12-01 05:23:22 · 9 answers · asked by Oh Blah 1 in Credit

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