When you obtained your traveler's checks, you should have signed them. To cash them, you hand them to a cashier to be used just like cash, where you'll sign the second time in front of the cashier. You may be asked for a state ID or driver's license. You'll receive cash back for any portion not used by your purchase. Note that not all retailers accept all traveler's checks.
If you'd just like to convert them back into cash without having to purchase anything, simply take them to your bank to cash them (or similarly, deposit them in your bank account). Make sure not to sign them the second time until you're in front of the person you're submitting them to (cashier, teller, clerk, etc).
2006-12-01 06:01:21
answer #1
answered by Steven 4
Holland America Cruise Lines prefers that people put a credit card on file, and then the ship settles up against this credit card. They find this the easiest, as passengers just signed for everything during the cruise, like running a tab. On HAL you get a stmt the last night to review in case there are any conflicts. At the ports you go to, you can use credit cards [most of the time nowadays] or cash (in the local currency; but businesses that want your money will accept whatever you have. For those unaware: A travelers "check" looks like a pre-loaded (debit/credit) card, so I do not know why it would not be accepted (although you do not say where "abroad" is). Yes, take a mix, plus a credit card.
2016-05-23 08:09:53
answer #2
answered by ? 4
cash them like (a) you are back from vacation and have some left? or (b) like you are ON vacation and want to use them?
a. go to the bank with 2 forms of ID
b. just pretend they are cash, but make sure the vender takes that form (like some places dont take american express ones)
2006-12-01 05:59:19
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Just go to a bank and have 2 forms of id
2006-12-01 05:57:22
answer #4
answered by keith s 5
take them to any bank and they'll redeem it. or you could buy something and they will give you cash back for whatever you don't use of the traveller's check.
2006-12-01 05:59:09
answer #5
answered by Starry Eyes 5
You have to sign it in the presence of the bank, clerk, person, etc. that you are endorsing it to. You probably also have to show some form of identification, i.e. driver's license.
2006-12-01 05:58:49
answer #6
answered by Thomas M 2
Take it to the bank and sign them.
2006-12-01 05:57:46
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
anywhere should. and take ur license or photo id
2006-12-01 05:58:14
answer #8
answered by jenivive 6
first of all, you have to be traveling somewhere!
2006-12-01 05:58:09
answer #9
answered by Anonymous