I own a small workshop. Last Monday, I had to leave early and only the workers were at the workshop. They are 2 workers ,and very honest. I trust them very much.
They sold things with the amount of 250 pounds on Monday. When the time came to close up, one of them put the money in the drawer of the desk , and they closed the doors and left.
The next morning, I came and asked for the money, it was gone. They looked for it every where , but they couldn't find it.There was no sign for any break in or anything.As I said , they didn't steal it. But what I think has happened is that they left the place for 3 or 4 minutes, which they often do, and someone got the money from the drawer.I decided to split the amount. I would pay 100. The one who had the money would pay 100. The other one would pay 50.But this last one refused . So I said o.k but I told him that if he ever leaves the place again, I would fire him. He got so upset and left. U think I was right or wrong ?wt should I have done ?
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Careers & Employment