alright, so i'm doing my hair blue (it's not their *whoa BRIGHT* blue/turquoise, but it's not like "i'm dark, waaaa"'s just blue lol)
anyhow, i have a few questions:
1) it says to get best results use "low pH" products...are color care shampoos low pH?
2) my hair is naturally black & preparation, ive refrained from dying it for 2 months. manicpanic says to use their bleaching kit (there were numbers like 30 & 40...dunno what those mean) but i dont know where to get them. can i just bleach with like drugstore stuff? the lady at spencers said that she bleached & then the color didn't hold. any suggestion on getting to work properly? (id prefer to do the bleaching on the same day as the color that alright?)
3) i got the stuff in the jar. semi-permanent. says use half the jar for short hair. can i save the other half for touch-ups in the next month? or will it got bad?
4) it says to add heat to intensify. is this like blow drying while dying? sort of? lol.
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