No one book, or one man, or one religion on earth, speaks exclusively for the Gods. Beware of false prophets. Here is how to tell who a true person of God is: This person will spend his time contemplating eternal principles, giving service to mankind, and praying for the human condition. This person will be a servant to his fellow man. He will function within the confines of service to others. For service to mankind is the only commodity of value there is in the Universe and in the hereafter.. Also, the face of the true person of God will shine and the words he speaks will be quiet and peaceful, rather than the cry of a man trying “to rule the fools.” (For the true sprit of God is a whisper to the soul) The message spoken by a true person of God will not be a message giving himself honor, riches, power, or saying he is chosen of God, thus creating a following. Nor will he spread hatred between men. His message will be acceptance of diversity among mankind and service to ot
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