Is the building blocks of matter physical, reducible to something of substance? In what sense does something exist if it lacks substance? This already is very intriging, but even more so is the question if the existance of matter/ objective physical reality, can be proofed to exist independantly of conscious experience. All I can say is that I do or do not belief that physical reality exist independant of my or any other conscious beings experience. This isn,t science, which is empirical. The conscious experience of substance/ objective physical reality is a continual event. Substance exist as a construct of consciousness. The idea is real, but is this construct of reality the same as reality? How can we proof it? Is it possible to say that what scientist (or the rest of us) are doing is to investigate objective reality, or merely the experience of a reality that they belief to be real and objective? What is the nature of the physical? Is it real or is it mental? (Plato vs Aristotle)
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