honest opinions and criticizes welcomed...
"A Love Lost" by MuckersCluckers
awakened visitor of a dream
uninvited, unwelcomed, emotional scream
brought naught but prospects of the past
cherished enchantments that could not last
with a gamble she might embrace the same
the desire for a rekindled flame
a foolish axiom was proclaimed
unrestrained adornment without shame
a countenance across her face
fear, dread, complete distaste
her pronouncements came in rapid succession
kind, thoughtful, hate-filled suppressions
and stricken by another fall
an icy cavity would cease to thaw
as a fool's paradise became a mighty maw
of hate, of love, and nothing at all
and when polite words injure more than blows
when you can kill someone’s soul and not even know
these are all the dire costs
of a love lost
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