Here's the rub: I am very knowledgeable about the non-fiction subject I am writing about. I own a few websites concerning the subject. I have also played a part in bringing a few other individuals into my fold of knowledge and they have contributed even more to my knowledge. In fact, they VOLUNTARILY give their time to the subject, and have become knowledgeable in their own right! Should I simply dedicate the book to them?? Or is there some kind of etiquette courtesy where I should somehow include them, or just one or two of them, as far as writing a chapter? And if so, do I pay them? Or, do they receive a small share of the royalties?? Or, do I simply have them sign the Release Form that I have asked about in another question, with no expectation of paying them?? I confess that with the amount of work I am doing writing this book, the thought of paying them, or sharing royalties, is hard........but I WANT to HONOR them for what they have contributed to my own knowledge. Ideas?
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