As you already know, I'm 20 year's old. I am a junior in college, and I can't seem to get my mom to understand that I'm old enough to live my own life.
I have always been the kid in the family that did everything right and always followed the rules when everyone else was rebelling. I always thought that being so responsible and respectful would pay-off for me once I was old enough to start dating and i know I'm more than old enough, but now it's seems like it has backfired on me. See i've finally met a great guy,he is my first boyfriend, and we have been dating for 5 months... well because my mother is so overprotective she needs to know where we are and what we are doing always. And now its causing problems with my boyfriend, he is starting to get tired of her constantly monitoring me. He's 25 and he cannot believe how obsessive she is. I have a tight knit family and my younger cousins all have more freedom than me.. its driving me crazy.... any advice??
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