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All categories - 14 December 2007

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"Thieves cut off man's 'holy leg' " BBC news article.
"Police in southern India are hunting for two men who attacked a Hindu holy man, cut off his right leg and then made off with it.
The 80-year-old holy man, Yanadi Kondaiah, claimed to have healing powers in the leg."

Or are the elements of greed, violence, and religious faith all too easy to believe? (and horrific when they combine!)


2007-12-14 06:00:43 · 11 answers · asked by Pedestal 42 7 in Religion & Spirituality

Go Cowboys!

2007-12-14 06:00:34 · 18 answers · asked by benjamin k 2 in Football (American)

Hi first of all i would like to apologize on my first post earlier.. I posted the wrong video of the UFO sightings.. :(

Heres the right video and long version of the video http://www.dailypopular.com/?cmd=Yt&p=1&q=florida-ufo&Code=-FeAK-q5Cok&nombre=Florida-UFO--Solid-Proof-Of-UFOS-On-film-UFOS-ARE-REAL

Let me know your thoughts guys coz im start to believe in this video footage...

2007-12-14 06:00:15 · 10 answers · asked by Dzuster 1 in Astronomy & Space

a]yuvaraj singh
c]Irfan pathan
d]Robin Uthappa

2007-12-14 06:00:12 · 36 answers · asked by Anonymous in Cricket

i was coming from the club,i didnt take my normal route i decided to take a shorter route so that i could get home early..seconds later i saw a cop car behind me.i didnt panic i just took it easy because i wasnt drinkingg any alcohol..**** as i took the turn the cop started blinking me..the little ****** didnt bother to say ''hi sir good evening please can i see licence and registration''..he said get out of the car with your hands up in the air..seconds later i heard the dog bark..the sound startled me so i jump because i was frightened..next thing the police comments were if i dont cooperate he was goin to let the dog bite me..then my comment were..''isnt that against the law''..he said shut the **** up..then he and 2 other cops started searching my car from top to bottom..i know that im a jamaican and we are known for selling drugs and doin stupid ****..the ******* tore my **** up..then he started searching me..he took off my hat,unbutton my shirt,.took out my wallet out my pocket and took my money out of my pocket,.it was like i was a convict and i didnt have any rights..i felt violated..its 19 degrees and the cop wanted me to sit on the cold pavement..would they tell a white man to do that..i refused and they took me by my belt and put me in the cop car..they wrote me 3 tickets when it was all over..he called me a retard..i know im young and i drive a nice car..but they acted like i was a drug dealer..

2007-12-14 05:59:58 · 8 answers · asked by andre r 1 in Law Enforcement & Police


Crocuses are just two months away
Tulips and the Daffodils are not that far behind
In time, we’ll sow the seeds, we’ll feed the trees
Build trellises for vines entwined
And fill the starter trays inside
With herbs and greens and sweet young things
Like paradise,
Spring garden…nice…


2007-12-14 05:59:58 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Poetry

ok, so i'm 5'6-5'7 and 100-104lbs. i used to be anorexic but am recovered. i also used to be 110lbs but for some reason my body won't gain anymore weight, i am eating normally, like i used to, but just not gaining. but i like being thin anyway, secretly i'd like to weigh 80. all my guy friends always go on about how thin i am, and they're always like 'size zero is disguisting' 'kate moss is too thin' and im thinner so what does that make me. they always say they like a bum and big **** 'something to hold onto', and i don't have those things. does that make me unnattractive to guys? (i'm 15 btw). people say i'm pretty and all that and girls want my body, its just boys seem to be like 'eurgh you need a cheeseburger'. so do all guys like only curvy figures??

2007-12-14 05:59:57 · 29 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

For a certain crystal X-ray diffraction showed the distance between the layer of atoms was 230 pm. If the crytal was held at an angle of 20.0o to the beam. What was the wavelength of the X-ray radiation in nm ?

2007-12-14 05:59:50 · 1 answers · asked by Liv 2 in Chemistry

I am watching the last chapters of Lost III. I am happy to know they killed 10 "others" in the last episode. So, I am trying to put pieces together: if the producers say that "the others" were about 30-40 before the plane crash, how many are left now? Both Goldwin ans Ethan got killed, Sawyer and Kate killed 2 on Michaels trap on the season 2 finale, one woman was shot by Sun, Mr. Eko killed a few when they tried to abduct him, Juliet killed one at the start of season 3, That makes 18 killed, so there are 12-22 left. Am I missing any?

2007-12-14 05:59:29 · 6 answers · asked by cornyh 3 in Drama

2007-12-14 05:59:26 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous in Polls & Surveys

Did you later find out you were wrong about what you think you knew?

2007-12-14 05:59:23 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender

My fiance spends way too much money on the holidays. We are fresh out of college and trying so hard to save (however that is kind of one sided, I want a mortgage one day). His family is on the other side of the country, while I have no problem with him going to see them, plane tickets are very expensive and they are not willing to fly out to see us even once (because they don't want to spend the money) if thats not bad enough.....

He buys SUPER expensive presents on top of that. I mentioned to him that since he's traveling he doesnt have to buy super expensive gifts and I'm sure people will understand. I am very frugal with gifts, but he snubs my gifts towards family member saying they aren't expensive enough. I tell him 1. they don't have to know the price. 2. I don't think they will. 3. We need to save up for ourselves!

I know its not my place to tell him what to do, but him just pouring out tons of money affects both of us, it delays us getting a home some day, please help.

2007-12-14 05:59:21 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

if so what are they of?

2007-12-14 05:59:19 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous in Polls & Surveys

Is it that you think that YOU are the god?

2007-12-14 05:59:19 · 13 answers · asked by GEISHA 3 in Religion & Spirituality

I have a slow heartbeat, and when I am laying down or taking a bath, I can, at times, lose conciousness or just visually black out when standing.

I'm curious as to exactly what's happening, and if there is medication or specific foods I can eat to increase my blood pressure.


2007-12-14 05:59:14 · 8 answers · asked by Randall B 1 in Heart Diseases

All you guys who say mean things to me: Did you know I'm actually a nice guy?

I am - really. I'm just a lovable fuzz ball. I love you all. Will you say Merry Christmas to me? I'll take a happy Channukah too

2007-12-14 05:59:06 · 30 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

He will keep the feet of his saints, and the wicked shall be silent in darkness; for by strength shall no man prevail. - 1 Samuel 2:9.

2007-12-14 05:58:51 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

Doesn't that give all the other soldiers the right to treat people however they want to and teach other soldiers not to report harrassment and God only knows what else

2007-12-14 05:58:44 · 5 answers · asked by feedup1968 1 in Military

Both will have served 2 terms!

2007-12-14 05:58:37 · 45 answers · asked by Darth Vader 6 in Politics

Or do you think you are better than everyone else?

2007-12-14 05:58:34 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

My wife got this compaq presario p.c. at the salvation army. It was brand new, but It won't download the latest updates. The product key sticker has been removed. It has Windows XP in it. Microsoft is telling me it does not have ginuine microsoft program installed. I tried to explane to them that it was not my fault. They said it was a counterfeit program. There has got to be a way to get a new product key without buying it form micro soft. The pc is about five years old. It has 512kb, whatever that is? I'm really computer stupid, I'm 50 years old. Please help me solve this problem.

2007-12-14 05:58:30 · 4 answers · asked by ? 4 in Software

I used to give my ex his and put clear nail polish on his nails, which he was fine with and didn't consider "too pretty," but he thought it's too "pretty" to walk into a nail saloon to get them done (never understood the difference). When I see guys with nice hands and feet with clear nail polish, I always think they are well taken care of. However, I have heard guys saying manicures and pedicures for guys are totally "gay."

What are your thoughts?

2007-12-14 05:58:28 · 36 answers · asked by Lioness 6 in Gender Studies

I just need a yes or no... I do know who he is. I just want to know a percent of those who know who he is.

2007-12-14 05:58:15 · 16 answers · asked by Steve 3 in Books & Authors

do you beleive that the bible is the answer for any problems in your life? ive learned that if I follow the bible and what it says is right and wrong, my life is happier and everything goes okay. even if your not a christian, this book has the answers for ANYTHING you need help with. ive lived selfishly before and i was miserable. i just wondered if anyone else felt the same way.

2007-12-14 05:58:10 · 32 answers · asked by duh face 2 in Religion & Spirituality

as opposed to harming them or more designed to benefit some other group way more than them?

2007-12-14 05:58:08 · 7 answers · asked by ron j 1 in Politics


Hot or cold?
Light or dark?
Sweet or savoury?
Blue or black?
Blonde or brunette?
Hairband or hairclip?
Film or book?
Ted baker or chanel?
Playboy or gucci?

Thanks for answeringg! x

2007-12-14 05:58:06 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Polls & Surveys

Ave - Rd- Blvd - Dr

Avenue -Road-Boluvard-Drive??

2007-12-14 05:58:00 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Words & Wordplay

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