Sorry this is going to be so long but i felt this was a very important topic to disscuss andi want to see peoples thoughts about this and what they feel so just bear with me::
I was just bringing this up cause i was reading about it. Ok, one don't beleive those scientist whom say that! I am saying this because think about every so often when people say the world is going to end you know 1962, 2000, 2001,and 2007 and did the world end? I dont think so! Just because the mayans ended thier calenders at december 21, 2012 doesnt mean they were saying the world is going to end and if they ddi think that dont you think the mayans wouldve wroten it down or something!!!
Yeah, I know I might be over exaggerating but this is a serious topic if you want to believe someone believe nostradamus, he predicted amny thins that had already happened and predicted the world will end in 3000 so dont worry about anything everyone.
So, this is what i beleive and bear with me!
-- Olivia S.
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