My husband comes from a big family and EVERY year since I've known him we ALWAYS have to go to his mother's house. He's one out of 7 kids, so you could just imagine the crowd in her little tiny house. I try and get out of it every year but it doesn't work and we end up fighting about it. We have two children and I wouldn't mind if he took the kids. Ok the real anger probably comes from him never agreeing to spend Christmas with my parents, my dad passed away not too long ago and so here I am not with NEVER being able to spend time with both of my parents. The last Christmas my dad was alive, I tried to compromise with him, I said let's split our time between both families, he refused. It was my dad's last Christmas on this earth (although none of us knew it), I had just became a new mom. I come from a small family and although we celebrated Christmas it was not based on gift giving, which is exactly what Christmas is like in his mother's house. I don't want to go this year.
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