Are you ''faithful'' to your favorite one, or do you, 'cheat' by roaming to others??
My favorite is usually R&S, but lately, it has just been too hateful!.
The religious folk feel 'obligated' to spread the word, regardless of who they offend, mostly the atheists.
In the political category, the neocons, blame the liberals for everything. I get tired of getting dumped on, wherever i go.
What I like about this one, is there are no 'inner politics' at
work. it is nice.
My main question is: Do you ever fell like what ever 'life' choices you make they seem wrong to everybody else?
Like I'm an atheistic liberal, and I support social programs, so that makes me a 'socialist. I support a woman;s right to choose, so that make me a murderer. I support Gay Rights, so I am a 'closet Gay'!
Does anyone else feel 'judged by their opinions, or is it just me?
Oh, and before I forget! If I have offended 'anyone' I apoligize.
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