Ladies let's be honest. How many times has your husband taken you out to dinner thinking he might get some sex afterwards? How many times has he bought you jewelry? Taken you on a nice trip? Bought you some nice clothes? Bought you a fancy car? How often do you use sex as an incentive, many times without evening realizing it, to get the things you want, go to the places you want to go, and do the things you want to do?
Why then would you think that talking, bytching, and complaining is going to get your husband to stop playing video games? Looking at porn? Going to strip clubs with friends you don't approve of? Or cutting back on his drinking? If the promise of sex works when you want to go to dinner, go to a movie, go on a trip, get some new earrings, or buy some fancy clothes, then why not use sex as an incentive for getting him to behave the way you want him to behave?
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Marriage & Divorce