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All categories - 7 October 2007

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plz give me honest answers

2007-10-07 05:53:40 · 4 answers · asked by Kathy Diaz 2 in Other - Family & Relationships

I'm writing a story about a girl's life. It starts when she's a newborn baby and continues until she's in her twenties.
Can you help me name her?
She's about 5'5". She has bright blue eyes and black hair. She's really pretty. This girl is extremely nice and flawless.



2007-10-07 05:53:36 · 28 answers · asked by ♪♫Noelle© 4 in Baby Names

So i havent checked my credit report or nothing since i turned 18 in May of 2007..(DUH) and I got approved for a Chase Freedom awhile back and today got approved for a Capital One card does that indicate good history starting to establish?

2007-10-07 05:53:17 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Credit

What are your thoughts on handicapped pets ? I know of someone raising a baby bird that was born without eyes and a mis-shaped head. The breeder was going to kill it as its not a profitable sale to her. My friend chose to buy the bird and give it a chance. It eats and is very active. Someone told her she should be reported to the SPCA; but the bird is not being abused in any way. In fact its just the opposite; the bird is spoiled! I agree with my friend; she wants to give it love for as long as it may live. What are your thoughts ?

2007-10-07 05:52:39 · 14 answers · asked by Bird lady 4 in Birds

They'll never run out of them here. Did you know that There made in Jackson,TN? I <3 Jackson! Go Diamond Jaxx!

2007-10-07 05:52:37 · 28 answers · asked by I <3 My Hamster Smokey! 6 in Polls & Surveys

2007-10-07 05:52:27 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Halloween

is constantly telling us that they believe Maddy is alive then why did she say the following ?

Back in september 10 , when Kate was preparing to leave portugal one can read in a Telegraph article :

"As Mrs McCann succinctly put it just hours before being named as a suspect: "The police don't want a murder in Portugal and all the publicity about them not having paedophile laws here, so they're blaming us."

Note the word "murder "

2007-10-07 05:52:26 · 18 answers · asked by little weed 6 in Current Events

Where is the best place to use telekinetic grab? I know bank in varrock but is there other places on unmember's world?

2007-10-07 05:52:07 · 5 answers · asked by mcjenny182 1 in Video & Online Games

I have used Abiword for the last two years. It is freeware, and I like it. However, when I share files with friends, they are not able to read them with Word.
Is there freeware that I can use, such that it can be easily viewed in Word?
I hate having to pay for Microsoft when I can get freeware that is just as good!

2007-10-07 05:51:48 · 1 answers · asked by Sim - plicimus 7 in Software

It has the Paul Smith design on it, just wondering how much it costs.

2007-10-07 05:51:45 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Drawing & Illustration

So a few weeks ago I got some little spikey things stuck in my toe when I was walking around in flip flops (they're the little spikes from some big sticker type things). Anyways, I thought I got them all out, but today I noticed a little black spot on my toe about where they were, and so I think there's still one there. So my question is, how can I get it out?

2007-10-07 05:51:26 · 7 answers · asked by dancerhelen2006 3 in First Aid

I have a 3 or 4 year old double oven and we put the main oven on to pre-heat. Without warning the glass door just shattered and exploded onto the floor.

Any idea why?

I'm a bit worried in case the top one does the same.

My husband cleaned the door the day before, but he swears he only used diluted washing up liquid on it (but he did use oven cleaner on the insides).

2007-10-07 05:51:20 · 9 answers · asked by Sparkles 2 in Maintenance & Repairs

i need this in at atleast in 1 1/2 hours!!!

2007-10-07 05:51:10 · 2 answers · asked by Answerer 2 in Earth Sciences & Geology

I reinstalled Windows last night, but didn't look at what drivers I had...

I've run into an audio problem. I have connected it to an LCD screen with speakers but the computer doesn't have any audio drivers! What drivers do I need and are there any other drivers that I might need?

Thank you for your time,

2007-10-07 05:51:06 · 4 answers · asked by dominion_vortar 2 in Other - Hardware


what is/makes an effective trade union?

2007-10-07 05:50:54 · 2 answers · asked by jellybeans 1 in Corporations

This boggles the mind. Why dont mexicans realize that if they want to get accepted in a new country they need to sincerely "like" the country. Realize that a lot of discrimination comes form your arrogance and ignorance towards the united states. Realize that you are making americans hate ALL latinos. As a latino I find this disgusting. When my parents came to the United States to escape Fidel Castro we thanked the americans and adored their values.

2007-10-07 05:50:49 · 9 answers · asked by jongcr 1 in Immigration

Can't get started on this one. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Many thanks!

2007-10-07 05:50:26 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Mathematics


i had a stye on my right eye about 5months ago, it went after a few days but a week later i got 1 on the other eye, this also went after a few days but then 2weeks later i got one on my right eyelid again, tis went but a lil lump remained i read that this usually goes itself after 2 or 3months but 5-6months ;ater its still here, bout 3weeks ago i had another stye on the right eye, - so i had 2 lumps on my top right eyelid, i went to the chemist and they gave me eyedrops the newer stye went away aswell as the lump but the old lump is still there :S what can i do to get rid of the lump as i think the remaining pus may be the cause between my styes returning, its got slightly smaller i think but not much!

2007-10-07 05:50:26 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous in Injuries

What's taking so long!

2007-10-07 05:49:52 · 17 answers · asked by mahoganychik@yahoo.com 6 in Polls & Surveys

I give an an opinion -- A belief or conclusion held with confidence but not substantiated by positive knowledge or proof (http://education.yahoo.com/reference/dictionary/entry/opinion) -- someone feel sthe need to give a thumbs down to a statement that is respectful of the asker, and the community. Have people become so think skinned that an opposing position is a threat?

In the words of a very good friend, "Opinions are like @ssholes. Everyone's got one."

2007-10-07 05:49:50 · 9 answers · asked by mediahoney 6 in Religion & Spirituality

2007-10-07 05:49:46 · 20 answers · asked by      7 in Polls & Surveys

What is the best way to prepare for attaining this sort of career? What should I major in? Will I also need a masters degree? I've considered getting a B.A. in either sociology or communications. I just want to go about this the right way because helping people study abroad is what I really want to do.

2007-10-07 05:49:44 · 4 answers · asked by merelm826 1 in Higher Education (University +)

I believe it will be LSU as strange as it sounds.. Kentucky has been doing well this year and may just beat em.. Oh yeah and what ranking will USC be now since they lost to the nobody of the Pac 10?

2007-10-07 05:49:43 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Football (American)

I have been paying on a 2500.00 dollar medical bill every month for 10 months, now last month I guess they didn't update their records and they say that they didn't get payment. I went ahead and paid this months bill, and Friday I got a nasty letter saying I owe the full amount! What are my rights? And how should I deal with them?

2007-10-07 05:49:35 · 6 answers · asked by jamijokidd 2 in Credit

2007-10-07 05:49:33 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous in Lebanon

Is carbon offsetting a good idea? What is your point of view?

2007-10-07 05:49:19 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Global Warming

Grab six or seven dice and roll them at the same time. Will they come up the same? Probably not, but if you roll them over and over eventually they will, even if it takes years, and when they do, it will look like a pattern but really, it is just chance. Can't people see at least the possibility that over billions and billions of years, the universe could settle down in what seems like a pattern but is really chance? Given that much time? I'm not trying to convert anybody to anything, I'm just trying to get someone to see that an orderly universe happening by chance is not that unrealistic given the time frame we are talking about.

2007-10-07 05:49:18 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

The particuler phrase I'm looking for goes something like this: the day will come when good will be called evil and evil will be called good.

I'd be so grateful if you could help me. I can't find it in my concise Strong's Concordance of the Bible because the editors decided that the word "good" is not one that the reader is likely to use in searching for particular passages in Scripture. I've also tried the various on-line concordances found at BibleGateway.com, but to no avail. Thanks.

2007-10-07 05:49:00 · 6 answers · asked by soulguy85 6 in Religion & Spirituality

2007-10-07 05:48:51 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pain & Pain Management

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