I was walking my neice to school one day and there were three young black girls ahead of us.I didn't really pay attention to them because my neice was trying to run away from me.They were walking ahead of us, so we had nocontact.Then,all of a sudden they started throwing stones at us, and I had to block my neice from getting hit in the head.I yelled at them to stop,then eventually through a stone back.I hit one of the girls, and she got upset.Her friend came after me and tried to punch me.Again remember, we did nothing at all to these girls.I stopped her from hitting me.The police came and arrested me!They said I was being charged with assault for throwing a stone and supposedly starting a fight.I pleaded that it wasn't my fault but he didn't listen.The next day there was the headline about Jena 6,and I thought it was strange how my dream and that particular incident were so similar.I am not a racist person,but this dream was disturbing.I'm trying to figure out what it means. Help?
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Dream Interpretation