For the first assignment of the year in my grade eight spanish class, I needed to answer a sheet of questions in class, then look up the answers I did not know either on the internet or another form of translation. Although Im quite sure of most, I need them to be checked and I need to get the answers for the remainder of the questions in the proper format. I haev tried to google it and use online translators but I cannot find the terms used in the informal way. (i.e. I found "Me nombre Laura" instead of the needed, "Me llamo Laura".
So, please, all of you spanish experts, answer the list of Q's I was assigned so i can check my answers and find the ones I needed. (theyre quite short, f.y.i andjust insert blanks for the required info, i.e. ___ for the location or whatever.)
1. Como te llamas?
2. Como estas?
3. De donde eres?
4. Como se dice "chalkboard" en espanol?
Cuantos anos tienes?
Cual Es tu numero de telephono?
Cual es la fecha de hoy?
Como se dice "pen" en espanol?
6 answers
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