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All categories - 6 September 2007

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2007-09-06 04:40:16 · 29 answers · asked by socmum16 ♪ 5 in Religion & Spirituality

Fan traditions and actions are what bring charm to a specific sports game. This is even truer for college sports. Whether it is the WE ARE… PENN STATE chant for Penn State football or the fans in Syracuse standing and clapping their hands at the beginning of each half until the basketball team hits their first shot… these bleacher traditions make the games more exciting.

What is your favorite Fan Traditions/Action for both college football and basketball?

Myself, I love the Notre Dame alma mater sing along at the end of games with the football team… even after a loss. I love the two traditions I listed above too. The Syracuse hand clapping thing is always fun.

2007-09-06 04:40:15 · 5 answers · asked by MerlinJAP 2 in Other - Sports

2007-09-06 04:39:58 · 11 answers · asked by samar 1 in Diet & Fitness

His fater will be on Larry King Tonite at 9PM, you can see a video of a doctor on the link below explaining that they found abnormal brain damage on Benoit brain.


2007-09-06 04:39:56 · 17 answers · asked by Kaynos 5 in Wrestling

I asked her on Tuesday to have her things out by Friday because Saturday I am calling a charity to come pick these things up. BY LAW DO I HAVE TO HOLD ON TO HER THINGS LONGER OR BE LIABLE FOR WHAT HAPPENS TO THEM? She tells me I can not get rid of this things because I will be liable for them and she and her boyfriend will sue me. Why am I doing this because she tried to committ suicide and has been abusing my grandson and has been beaten up. All caused by a low life who is married and has been caught as a peeping tom pervert who does not have a job and is using her name, credit to get things. She swears she's in love with him and can not stay away from him. She needs professional help and I am trying to force her into counseling.

2007-09-06 04:39:55 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Family & Relationships

Radical Islamists have posted a little message on one of their websites proclaiming that they have a 'gift' for us on the 'day of the Manhattan invasion' .
E.D. Hill said her pentagon sources are greatly concerned and frantically attempting to connect the dots wherever possible . She also has more info that she said she wasn't at liberty to say . This and other 'messages' that are almost the same as the ones just prior to 9-11-2007 . Reporter Catherine Herridge is currently working her inside sources in an attempt to offer and broadcast more .

How about enough of the bickering and let's openly discuss what each of us can do , share our ideas in an effort to make people more aware and less afraid to talk about it ?

Note : Other times when I have brought up this subject others have blundered that it's 'fear-mongering' or that there's nothing any of us can do as individuals . WRONG . Israeli Intelligence credits the people with thwarting the majority of terrorist attacks in Israel.

2007-09-06 04:39:43 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

A man decided to have a face lift for his birthday. He spends $5,000 and feels really good about the result. On his way home he stops at a newsstand and buys a paper. Before leaving he says to the sales clerk, "I hope you don't mind me asking, but how old do you think I am?" "About 35," was the reply. "I'm actually 55," the man says, feeling really happy.
After that he goes into McDonalds for lunch, and asks the order taker the same question, to which the reply is, "Oh you look about 29.? "I am actually 55. This makes him feel really good.
While standing at the bus stop he asks an old woman the same question. She replies, "I am 85 years old and my eyesight is going. But when I was young there was a sure way of telling a mans age. If I put my hand down your pants and play with your balls for ten minutes I will be able to tell your exact age."
As there was no one around, the man thought what the hell and let her slip her hand down his pants.

2007-09-06 04:39:38 · 22 answers · asked by **Missy** 3 in Jokes & Riddles

3 sons left home, went out on their own and prospered. Getting back together they discussed gifts they were able to give their elderly mother.

The first said, "I built a big house for our mother."

The second said, "I sent her a Mercedes with a driver."

The third smiled and said, "Ha, I got you both beat. Remember how mother loved to read the Bible? And you know that she can't see very well? Well, I sent her an amazing parrot that recites the entire Bible. It took Church elders 14 years to teach him. Mom just has to name the chapter and verse and the parrot will recite it."

Soon thereafter, mom sent out her letters of thanks:

"Adam," she wrote one son, "The house you built is so big. I live in only one room, but I have to clean the whole house."

"Jon," she wrote to another, "I am too old to travel and stay at home most of the time, so I rarely use the Mercedes. And the driver is so rude!"

"Dearest Gerald," she wrote to her third son, "You have the good sense to know what your mother likes. The chicken was absolutely delicious..."

2007-09-06 04:39:32 · 14 answers · asked by tastybits 7 in Jokes & Riddles

Dentists and doctors really can't do much.

2007-09-06 04:39:12 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Dental

I mean buying and selling of company shares on the stock exchange of various countries abroad.I am a share-holder in financial institutions like the United Bank for Africa, Intercontinental Bank,Transnational Corporation,Ikeja Hotels.I am also an operator of the I.B.T.C.-Chattered Bank Equity Investment program in Nigeria and I am also interested in foreign deals.

2007-09-06 04:39:03 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Investing

I was in a very bad car accident when I was in college. I've tried to drive other times. I just feel this sense of dread when I try or even think about driving. And noone understands. I really need help, it's become embarrassing. I'm 36, married and have 3 kids. I would like to be driving before my oldest daughter does.

2007-09-06 04:39:00 · 10 answers · asked by momto3 2 in Mental Health

I'm a really good cook, and I was wondering if you could help me out and give me as many websites as I can! Thanks!

2007-09-06 04:39:00 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Cooking & Recipes

Seriously though. What kind of force can I get away with?

2007-09-06 04:38:51 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

We enjoy having our 3 month old kitten sleep with us at night, but have a health-related question. Our kitten tends to sleep on our pillow, our back, at our head, etc. There's no discouraging her from this (or walking all over our pillows). She simply loves the company. Are we putting ourselves at any health risk?

2007-09-06 04:38:41 · 12 answers · asked by KittenDad 1 in Cats

One of the great differences between Protestant and Catholic doctrine is in the area of Tradition. The Protestant church maintains that the Bible alone is intended by God to be the source of doctrinal truth (2 Tim. 3:16). The Catholic Church, however, says, "Sacred Tradition and Sacred Scripture make up a single sacred deposit of the Word of God . . ." (Catechism of the Catholic Church, paragraph 97. Note, all citations in this article are from this Catechism).

The Catholic Church reasons thusly:

1. "The apostles left bishops as their successors. They gave them their own position of teaching authority.'" (Paragraph 77)

2. "This living transmission, accomplished through the Holy Spirit, is called tradition..." (Par. 78)

3. "Both Scripture and Tradition must be accepted and honored with equal sentiments of devotion and reverence" (Par. 82).

Within the Catholic scope of Tradition, many doctrines have been "revealed" to the Church over the centuries. For example, there is the veneration of Mary, her immaculate conception and her bodily assumption into heaven. There is also the Apocrypha, transubstantiation, praying to saints, the confessional, penance, purgatory, and more. Protestantism as a whole differs with Catholicism in these additions.

Tradition in the Bible
The Bible speaks about tradition. Some verses speak for tradition and others speak against it. Of course, the contexts are different and carry different meanings. For example:

For Against
2 Thess. 3:6, "Now we command you, brethren, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that you keep aloof from every brother who leads an unruly life and not according to the tradition which you received from us." Matt. 15:3-6, "And He answered and said to them, 'And why do you yourselves transgress the commandment of God for the sake of your tradition? 4For God said, Honor your father and mother, and, He who speaks evil of father or mother, let him be put to death 5But you say, Whoever shall say to his father or mother, Anything of mine you might have been helped by has been given to God, 6he is not to honor his father or his mother. And thus you invalidated the word of God for the sake of your tradition."
2 Thess. 2:15, "So then, brethren, stand firm and hold to the traditions which you were taught, whether by word of mouth or by letter from us." Mark 7:8-9, "Neglecting the commandment of God, you hold to the tradition of men. 9He was also saying to them, You nicely set aside the commandment of God in order to keep your tradition."
1 Cor. 11:2, "Now I praise you because you remember me in everything, and hold firmly to the traditions, just as I delivered them to you." Col. 2:8, "See to it that no one takes you captive through philosophy and empty deception, according to the tradition of men, according to the elementary principles of the world, rather than according to Christ."

In the discussions regarding Tradition between Protestants and Catholics, both sets of scriptures are often quoted in order to establish their respective positions. The Protestants often quote Matt. 15:3-6 in opposition to Sacred Tradition. In an appeal to be biblical, many Catholic apologists cite 2 Thess. 2:15 to validate their position on Sacred Tradition. Unfortunately, this amounts to using the Word of God against itself. Clearly, God's word is not contradictory. Rather, it is our understanding that is in error.

The Bible is for tradition where it supports the teachings of the apostles (2 Thess. 2:15) and is consistent with biblical revelation. Yet, it is against tradition when it "transgresses the commands of God" (Matt. 15:3). By Jesus' own words, tradition is not to transgress or contradict the commands of God. In other words, it should be in harmony with biblical teaching and not oppose it in any way.

Though the Catholic Church officially states that Sacred Tradition should not and does not contradict Scripture, Protestants see much of the teaching from this Sacred Tradition as doing just that. It isn't enough for the Catholic to say that their church is the true church, that they have the apostolic tradition, that they hold the keys to the truth, and that they have revealed doctrines consistent with biblical revelation. Likewise, it isn't enough for a Protestant to pass judgment upon Catholic doctrines simply because they are Catholic and are derived via Sacred Tradition.

Are Sacred Scripture and Sacred Tradition Really Equal?
To me, it is not enough to simply say that Sacred Tradition is equal to Scripture based upon the decree of the Catholic Magisterium. Like any spiritual teaching, I must compare it to the Bible. Jesus' own words in Matt. 15:3 lend support for myself and many non-Catholics to subject the fruit of Sacred Tradition to the pruning of God's word. In other words, do the teachings of the Catholic Church that are derived through tradition transgress the commands of God? Of course, the Catholic will say that they do not.

When Jesus was speaking to the Pharisees in Matt. 15:1-6, He reprimanded them for not understanding God's word. They were appealing to the tradition of the elders, those who had passed down oral and written tradition. Jesus, on the other hand, exposed their error by citing scripture. Please take note of what He said in Matt. 15:1-6.

"Then some Pharisees and scribes came to Jesus from Jerusalem, saying, 2'Why do Your disciples transgress the tradition of the elders? For they do not wash their hands when they eat bread.' 3And He answered and said to them, 'And why do you yourselves transgress the commandment of God for the sake of your tradition? 4'For God said, "Honor your father and mother," and, "He who speaks evil of father or mother, let him be put to death."5'But you say, "Whoever shall say to his father or mother, 'Anything of mine you might have been helped by has been given to God,' 6he is not to honor his father or his mother." And thus you invalidated the word of God for the sake of your tradition.'"

Whatever might be said about this passage, at least one thing must be observed: The tradition of the religious leaders was subject to the Word of God. Are the religious leaders of the Catholic Church exempt from subjection to the Word of God? And likewise, is their Sacred Tradition also exempt? I think not.

Where the Protestants would interpret Tradition in light of Scripture, it seems that the Catholic Church does the opposite. Consider the following, "The Second Vatican Council indicates three criteria for interpreting Scripture in accordance with the Spirit who inspired it. 1. 'Be especially attentive to the content and unity of the whole Scripture.'. . . 2. 'Read the Scripture within the living Tradition of the whole Church.' . . . 3. 'Be attentive to the analogy of faith.'" (Par. 111, 112, 13, 114).

It is number 2 that is the main concern here. What does it mean to read Scripture "within the living Tradition of the whole Church?" If Scripture is "within the living Tradition," then Tradition encompasses Scripture. In other words, it is the tradition of the Church that interprets Scripture. This is in contradiction to the Word of God spoken by Jesus in Matt. 15:1-6.

Some object and say that the Pharisees didn't have apostolic authority and succession that was ordained by the apostles as does the Catholic Church and, therefore, Matt. 15:1-6 cannot be used to nullify Sacred Tradition.

But the issue in Matt. 15:1-6 is not succession of authority but the traditions of men being used in opposition to the truth of the Word of God. Essentially, the Pharisees were seeing the Word of God "within" their sacred tradition. Jesus, in contrast to this, cited the Word of God to judge their traditions. The apostles, likewise, continuously admonished their people to check their teaching against the Scripture (Acts 17:11), thereby substantiating the position that even what they taught was subject to God's Word. After all, no doctrinal teaching should contradict biblical revelation and the Sacred Word of God was and is the final authority in all things spiritual. The Catholic Church's position and teaching as based on Sacred Tradition are no different. They must be compared to Scripture.

My desire in writing this is not to alienate Catholics nor belittle their beliefs. I believe that there are some Catholics who love the Lord and are saved. But I would like to add that I believe it is in spite of official Roman Catholic doctrine. Nevertheless, it is my opinion that the Catholic Church has added teachings that are not consistent with biblical revelation.

If you are a Catholic, I hope my words do not offend you. Rather, I hope and pray that you would consider what this site has to say and compare it with the Word of God

2007-09-06 04:38:17 · 23 answers · asked by Graham 5 in Religion & Spirituality

A young blonde was on vacation in the depths of Louisiana. She wanted a pair of genuine alligator shoes in the worst way, but was very reluctant to pay the high prices the local vendors were asking.

After becoming very frustrated with the "no haggle" attitude of one of the shopkeepers, the blonde shouted, "Maybe I'll just go out and catch my own alligator so I can get a pair of shoes at a reasonable price!"

The shopkeeper said, "By all means, be my guest. Maybe you'll luck out and catch yourself a big one!"

Determined, the blonde turned and headed for the swamps, set on catching herself an alligator.

Later in the day, the shopkeeper is driving home, when he spots the young woman standing waist deep in the water, shotgun in hand. Just then, he sees a huge 9 foot alligator swimming quickly toward her.

She takes aim, kills the creature and with a great deal of effort hauls it on to the swamp bank. Laying nearby were several more of the dead creatures.

The shopkeeper watches in amazement. Just then the blonde flips the alligator on it's back, and frustrated, shouts out, - "Damn it, this one isn't wearing any shoes either!!!"

2007-09-06 04:38:16 · 4 answers · asked by Eye of the Beholder 4 in Jokes & Riddles

It's one of those days.

2007-09-06 04:38:06 · 11 answers · asked by cat 3 in Friends

I have an employee that was out side working in our yard and was changing from his work boots back into his tennis shoes. Something was in his shoe and bit/stung him and his foot is now swolen and the site is tender. We sent him to the doctor, but do not know if this is a "work related incident".

2007-09-06 04:38:03 · 8 answers · asked by tmpafford 3 in Small Business

All I can remember is that I used to hear it at the skating rink all the time.

2007-09-06 04:38:02 · 2 answers · asked by bloodgoddess23 1 in Other - Music

...for breakfast in the morning...I have to go to the store to stock up after everyone raided my house last weekend...

2007-09-06 04:37:44 · 19 answers · asked by Mikey ~ The Defender of Myrth 7 in Polls & Surveys

We have a cottage that is the family hang out spot. We have a fridge that's filled with different types of beer and soda.. When my grandpa was alive, there used to be loads of people that'd come down there, and of course, pay for their beer..
Well now that we're getting crowds down there again, some people are deciding not to pay for the beer, booze, soda, etc... and we always have a sign hanging on the fridge that says: Beer- $1.00, Booze-$1/Shot, Soda-$0.50, and Water-$0.50... Well we want to put a catchy saying on the bottom to get people's attention... Theese are a couple that we thought of but we really don't like them...
1. Electricity isn’t free… Neither is the beer!
2. Things haven’t changed. You still have to pay!
3. No Credit!

2007-09-06 04:37:38 · 9 answers · asked by Shelly 2 in Other - Food & Drink

If a woman was married to a man who drank and gambled, she was sick of it so started an affair with another man, left her husband. Two years later he is clean and stopped gambling. They have two kids, 21/2 and 5.

Her friends are telling her that she was wrong to have an affair and that he never gambled or drank away the money and they never were behind on bills, still had lots of savings and a 401(k) and he makes a lot of money and he was never falling down drunk or had a dui so it was just her being judgmental anyway.

I don't know that I agree with this. What do you think?

2007-09-06 04:37:35 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

Dear Diary,

Now home from honeymoon and settled in our new home, it's fun to cook for Bob. Today I made an angel food cake and the recipe said, "Beat 12 eggs separately." Well, I didn't have enough bowls to do that, so I had to borrow enough bowls to beat the eggs in. The cake turned out fine.

We wanted a fruit salad for supper. The recipe said, serve without dressing." So I didn't dress. But, Bob happened to bring a friend home for supper that night. Did they ever look startled when I served the salad.

I decided to serve rice and found a recipe which said, "Wash thoroughly before steaming the rice." So I heated some water and took a bath before steaming the rice. Sounded kinda silly in the middle of the week. I can't say it improved the rice any.

Today Bob asked for salad again. I tried a new recipe. It said, "Prepare ingredients, then toss on a bed of lettuce one hour before serving." I hunted all over the garden by my mom's. So I tossed my salad into the bed of lettuce and stood over there one hour so the dog would not take it. Bob came over and asked if I felt all right. I wonder why?

Today I found an easy recipe for cookies. It said, "Put all ingredients in a bowl and beat it." Beat it I did, right over to my mom's house. There must have been something wrong with the recipe, because when I came back home again it looked the same as when I left it.

Bob went shopping today and brought home a chicken. He asked me to dress it for Sunday. I'm sure I don't know how hens dress for Sunday. I never noticed back on the farm, but I found a doll dress and some little shoes. I thought the hen looked real cute. When Bob saw it, I wondered why he counted to 10.

Today Bob's folks came to dinner. I wanted to serve roast, but all we had in the icebox, was hamburger. So I put it in the oven and set the controls for roast. Must be the oven, because it still came out hamburger.

Good night, Dear Diary.

This has been an exciting week. I am eager for tomorrow to come, so I can try a new recipe on Bob.

2007-09-06 04:37:34 · 15 answers · asked by tastybits 7 in Jokes & Riddles

Is it correct that some land was simply just given away? if thats the case i think thats terrible! British people died to have the honour of owning that land.

2007-09-06 04:37:33 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in History

With reference to this story:


Why are the Russians sending ancient bombers to patrol over neutral waters?

2007-09-06 04:37:23 · 29 answers · asked by Fashionista 3 in Current Events

If God created Adam and Eve. Adam and Eve Begat Caine and Able and Cain slew Able then who was Caine's wife?

2007-09-06 04:37:14 · 14 answers · asked by R W 2 in Religion & Spirituality

fedest.com, questions and answers