i love this guy .he is very friendly with my dad also. but i dont know wheather does he loves me o not. is there anything he call my father. but yesterday night i have recieved one sms from him. he never di this before . his sms is like this " Tonite b4 u sleep, just lift up all ur needs.All Jesus ask is 5 min to share, for Hereally really cares. Tomorrow will b a beautiful day, that wat i hear He say!"
and the second day he sand me this" so how's your day after the prayers? now what u need todo next is pray a prayer. Jesus forgive me my sins as i those who sin against me. Remove bitterness, anger and hatred from me and fill me with ur joy, love and peace unside my heart. i love u Jesus.AMEN.
Tomorrow will be a more beautiful day!
Does he think about me. y he send this to me?Does he loves me?
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Singles & Dating