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All categories - 24 August 2007

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first please read my previous question: http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=AvNEvdfPSsVjY.H1edzOxd7sy6IX?qid=20070824102241AAWBEYR

Will they give me free copyRIGHTS? The movie will not be sold !!! Still if I manage to win the contest I will receive money, but we are talking about a very small amount, probably less then 8000 $ (that's for the first prize). So do I negociate for the copyright with the owners?

2007-08-24 06:36:02 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

We want our Children back in the homes in America. No more experimenting on Children taken from American families, done under covering of Children and Family Services.Which is Socialist Government, hidden secrects of worst kind, being done. Bring crime into open Courts, for people to be judged by their peers.The Media in America is protecting the bad guys, making everything look like it is the parents. This is no different than what Hitler did. Only the Media did not get pictures here in US, because the names of children are removed and they were given numbers, at their deaths they are cremated and burried in unmarked graves. People relate to names not numbers. Heaven forbid if they had to find a child, because they are sold, 1/2 of the teen prostitutes are from foster care. Government saying our little boys and girls. Are we looking directly into the eyes of Satan, himself. On Election Day, we will not forget. More information on my 360 blog, open to public. Names of Drugs and Co,s .

2007-08-24 06:35:16 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

How do you tell your brother in law that his brother has just sent you a message telling you that you have to call and tell his brother that his 3 year old son is dead? how could i...can i...do that?

2007-08-24 06:35:08 · 3 answers · asked by datgirlsoclassy 1 in Family


2007-08-24 06:34:38 · 14 answers · asked by xxxNETS FANxxx 3 in Football (American)

2007-08-24 06:34:31 · 34 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - News & Events

Hello yahoo answers family. I need help decorating a reception. There isn't a theme, the colors are light blue, silver, and white. I need help because I have never really seen a wedding since I was five. I don't want answers like the knot or other sites I have tried them all. I wanted true answers. Please help if you can. Decorations for the place itself, tables and cake table.

2007-08-24 06:34:29 · 11 answers · asked by ☺ ♥ ☺ ♥ 2 in Weddings

I have two oportunities. I am an SAP Finance Consultant. I am Finance professional and a Team lead in an MNC. I can be in people management / Project Managent or I can be a Consultant in SAP FICO. I have required experience and skill to become a consultant. My colleagues dont encourage me to get into consulting role. From my heart I want to be a consultant. Please share your views and provide guidance.

2007-08-24 06:34:19 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Business & Finance

Today is Friday...you doin ok? How was your week?

2007-08-24 06:34:01 · 1 answers · asked by Froggy 3 in Other - Family & Relationships

2007-08-24 06:33:56 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Earth Sciences & Geology

2007-08-24 06:33:49 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous in Cats

Mine is blue because the sky is so beautiful

2007-08-24 06:33:36 · 3 answers · asked by karen i 5 in Polls & Surveys

Power went out of my house and we just had it restored, though now the water is no longer running. We called the people who installed our pump and they told us they would need to dig up the well which is going to cost $1500. However i remember a time before where this happened and all we needed to was reset the switch. Do you think these ppl are trying to get me for my money? Does anyone know if there is a less expensive way?

2007-08-24 06:33:19 · 10 answers · asked by otakudreamland 1 in Maintenance & Repairs

2007-08-24 06:33:05 · 14 answers · asked by Stunna530 1 in Baseball

tea tonight.....unless youve already had it,and was/or is it going to be nice...prawn cocktail for me i think with some crusty bread caked in lurpak butter.

2007-08-24 06:32:52 · 27 answers · asked by Anonymous in Polls & Surveys

Find the general solution to:

2*t*y'+ 4*y = 3...

I feel so silly not even remembering where to start on something like this.

2007-08-24 06:32:39 · 2 answers · asked by Sarah G 1 in Mathematics

I just found out that my gf kissed her boss (a guy) while drunk a few weeks back, after going out with guys from work. I've been with my gf for several years and never cheated on her, since never been interested. Apparantly he took her back to the office on the way from the pub because she needed the loo and to freshen up but nothing happened. I found all this out after I checked her email that she sent to her friend. What should I do? She hasn't told me and I don't think she ever will. According to her email to her friend she didn't have sex only kissed, and felt very pressurised by her boss. I'm still so upset and she doesn't know that I know. The thing that bothered me that she has done similar things in the past, just b4 we got engaged, I found out (and she later admited) she has gone out on dates with other guys (not kissed) when I was away on business but nothing happened with them. I forgave her. Should I give her another chance, i love her so much.

2007-08-24 06:32:35 · 24 answers · asked by Mike S 1 in Singles & Dating

How can I start to clean up my BF's room???? I just moved in we have a huge room and is full of stuff...........closet is soooo bad..........there's a sofa in there, you wouldn't know it...............stuff everywhere......drawers are completely in shambles! I do not know where to start, i don't know what is dirty or clean in the closet and I don't know how to get all that laundry done! Any advice on where to start??

2007-08-24 06:32:22 · 14 answers · asked by Curious One 2 in Decorating & Remodeling

I'm not asking for Stars, I'm wondering if there are any users out there that actually beleive in this, and WHY?

I mean there is documentation of Ron Hubbard talking about how this was simply a get rich quick scam for him, and people still beleive!

2007-08-24 06:32:19 · 19 answers · asked by workin man 3 in Religion & Spirituality

I need help translating the phrase "Fathers, Sons, Forever" for a tattoo idea. I need the phrase translated into Latin, I have used the free programs but I don't have a good enough grasp of the syntax to make sure it's correct. Please help, thank you!

2007-08-24 06:32:09 · 5 answers · asked by chodaboyrico 1 in Languages

.did you have to wait for the next one to come along ?

2007-08-24 06:32:06 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous in Polls & Surveys

There is a lot pilots have to take into account when hulling your *** across the sky...

1. Every takeoff is optional. Every landing is mandatory.

2. If you push the stick forward, the houses get bigger. If you pull the stick back, they get smaller. That is, unless you keep pulling the stick all the way back, then they get bigger again.

3. Flying isn't dangerous. Crashing is what's dangerous.

4. It's always better to be down here wishing you were up there than up there wishing you were down here.

5. The ONLY time you have too much fuel is when you're on fire.

6. The propeller is just a big fan in front of the plane used to keep the pilot cool. When it stops, you can actually watch the pilot start sweating.

7. When in doubt, hold on to your altitude. No one has ever collided with the sky.

8. A 'good' landing is one from which you can walk away. A 'great' landing is one after which they can use the plane again.

9. Learn from the mistakes of others. You won't live long enough to make all of them yourself.

10. You know you've landed with the wheels up if it takes full power to taxi to the ramp.

11. The probability of survival is inversely proportional to the angle of arrival. Large angle of arrival, small probability of survival and vice versa.

12. Never let an aircraft take you somewhere your brain didn't get to five minutes earlier.

13. Stay out of clouds. The silver lining everyone keeps talking about might be another airplane going in the opposite direction. Reliable sources also report that mountains have been known to hide out in clouds.

14. Always try to keep the number of landings you make equal to the number of take offs you've made.

15. There are three simple rules for making a smooth landing. Unfortunately no one knows what they are.

16. You start with a bag full of luck and an empty bag of experience. The trick is to fill the bag of experience before you empty the bag of luck.

17. Helicopters can't fly; they're just so ugly the earth repels them.

18. If all you can see out of the window is ground that's going round and round and all you can hear is commotion coming from the passenger
compartment, things are not at all as they should be.

19. In the ongoing battle between objects made of aluminum going hundreds of miles per hour and the ground going zero miles per hour, the ground has yet to lose.

20. Good judgment comes from experience. Unfortunately, the experience usually comes from bad judgment.

21. It's always a good idea to keep the pointy end going forward as much as possible.

22. Keep looking around. There's always something you've missed.

23. Remember, gravity is not just a good idea. It's the law. And it's not subject to repeal.

24. The four most useless things to a pilot are the altitude above you, runway behind you, gas back at the airport, and a tenth of a second ago.

25. There are old pilots and there are bold pilots. There are, however, no old, bold pilots.


2007-08-24 06:31:51 · 25 answers · asked by tastybits 7 in Jokes & Riddles

what do you do?

2007-08-24 06:31:46 · 19 answers · asked by ? 3 in Polls & Surveys

Okay here's the deal, I just got engaged to my BF who is in Afghanistan and we planned a cruise, but my school schedual is going to get in the way. We tried to reschedule it, but we don't know how to do it. Also about how much should I expect this to cost to fix?

2007-08-24 06:31:42 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Cruise Travel

2007-08-24 06:31:40 · 12 answers · asked by ஐ♥Nikki♥ஐ 3 in Other - Food & Drink

2007-08-23: Ethiopia: Eruption of Volcano Kills 5
2007-08-20: Thousands flee as hurricane hits Jamaica
2007-08-20: Alaska volcano could be on the verge of massive eruption
2007-08-20: Indonesian volcano 'threatens hundreds'
Volcano on August 18, 2007. Incandescent lava is visible below the summit crater area. A dilute ash cloud rises a few hundred meters above the ground surface-http://www.avo.alaska.edu/
2007-08-16: 6.5 Quake Strikes Aleutian Islands
2007-08-16: Peru Stages Rescue Operation as Quake Kills 60
Alaska volcano could be on the verge of massive eruption

The Associated Press

ANCHORAGE — One of the most active volcanoes in the Aleutian arc could be working toward a massive, explosive eruption that could affect air travel, scientists said Thursday.

2007-08-24 06:31:39 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

I'm counting on Rev Albert Einstein to quote the scriptures that prove that God chooses us, and that He knew, before we were born, who would accept Him and who would reject Him. On those ". . . He put His mark."

2007-08-24 06:31:38 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

In the chapter where he discusses singularity, and the "big bang" -- just what "God" is he referring to loosely, in the first chapter? What context is he using it in? It just surprises me that a man of science, particularly, Hawking would use that word...

"One can imagine that God created the universe at the instant of the big bang" p. 9, Ch. 1

2007-08-24 06:31:36 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Physics

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