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All categories - 23 August 2007

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single friend read unusual profile.
hot looking guy but into shackles n handcuffs
they wrote for awhile [she has been broke up w/her bf] so went on a dating site. She and this guy exchanged photos, lots of them, wrote several exchanges too
anyway, the guy who seems free-spirited asked her to meet him behind a tree near the woods for sex
even tho this is obviously a stupid idea
she asked me to ask if you think this is free-spirited or the guy has something dark planned?
he also invited himself to go to florida w/her on her vacation, she never even asked him

2007-08-23 19:54:38 · 3 answers · asked by Yvonne 4 in Singles & Dating

It grosses me out when they make the sushi with their bare hands. The could have just came out from the restroom, or wiped their nose.

2007-08-23 19:54:27 · 9 answers · asked by Plondaranera 3 in Other - Dining Out

Fav M Character?
Fav F Character?
Fav Good guy/girl?
Fav bad guy/girl?
Fav couple?
Couples you're rooting for?
Ultimate fantasy couple?
Who do you want to see die or at least get on a plane and go somewhere never 2 return?
What do you wish happens next?

My answers
Tie b/t Carly and Sam (weird huh?)
Nicholas Cassadine
Ric (OMG you love to hate this guy and he's hott)
Carly and Jax
3-way tie b/t Spinelli and Georgie, Sam and Lucky, Sonny and Kate
Ric and Helena (would kill and or terrorize all of PC and make Daniel Craig look like a 5th grade bully)
>>> Lulu sees Logan for the jerk he is. Sam gets revenge, but then sees the light. Lucky sees Sam as someone he can love. Ric gets some love back in his life and Carly and Jerry stops giving me the intention of sleeping together X). OH YEAH and for PC (well the rest of it) to find out Ooops lil Jake is Jason's son (big surprise).

Now add yours...

2007-08-23 19:53:30 · 21 answers · asked by genesis33303 2 in Soap Operas

2007-08-23 19:52:43 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Football (American)

2007-08-23 19:52:31 · 3 answers · asked by Just G 4 in Polls & Surveys

I have an interest in purchasing a motorcycle(s) for street and light to (later on) moderate freeway driving. I say more than one motorcycle since, from what I have read, you start out easy and move on to more powerful bikes later.

Back to the matter at hand, though. I remember riding a semi-automatic ATV that I really enjoyed riding. Changing gears without a clutch was easy for me to grasp and learn and it was darn fun!. However, I am not very comfortable with clutch+gears, possibly due to me trying to learn on a Camero but thats another story. So I ask, have you seen standard motocycles (not sport, not cruisers, not scooters, but, for lack of a better word "regular" motorcycle styles; not forward leaning, but sitting fairly straight up) that have this semi-auto type of transmission that are beginner class (around 250-400cc) and, as a later upgrade, intermediate class (500-600cc)?

Thank you for your time.

2007-08-23 19:52:15 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Motorcycles

I have tried some hardware stores and tehy dont have any. I need this for a college project but can find any...

2007-08-23 19:52:12 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Hobbies & Crafts

I bought a second hand toyota corolla. When I have my keys in on position it shows the check engine light in yellow. If I start the car, it goes off. What does it mean. It never glows when the car is running.


2007-08-23 19:52:09 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Safety

how do you know if you to sexual for a man to handle.
after 15yrs im still looking for that 1 man that can keep up with me. is it me or am i just to big of a nimfo

2007-08-23 19:51:45 · 11 answers · asked by musicslave 1 in Singles & Dating

2007-08-23 19:51:25 · 2 answers · asked by Philip T 1 in Friends

I am in Seattle and just am over it with the high prices, junkies homeless crackheads and winos laying all over the sidewalks and the overcrowding.
KC looks pretty nice from what I have seen.
Looked at homes for sale and apartments online.
Can't believe how cheap it there, but what are the neighborhoods like?

2007-08-23 19:51:21 · 10 answers · asked by Chris C 4 in Kansas City

I have a place on the bottom of the flat part of my foot by my baby toe that hurts extremly unbearably bad. It has a hard lump under the skin and a small hole surrounded by dry skin and every now and again a thing that looks like a seed can be pulled out? What is it? Is it a corn or what? Just by touching it sends horrible pain and cannot hardly walk on it. Here is a link to a picture of it.


2007-08-23 19:51:15 · 7 answers · asked by honker 1 in Skin Conditions

My boyfriend of two years is away for college, and I won't see him for two months. I guess it's not really that long, but I am so very attached to him, and I'm so lonely all the time now that he is gone. And I can't wait to see him. Any tips on coping? Cheer me up?

2007-08-23 19:51:09 · 6 answers · asked by izzyofbrandon 2 in Singles & Dating

It seems like every day there is a news story on a different celebrity getting charged with multiple charges, yet either the charges are released or the celebrity receives such a low punishment as to give the appearance of special treatment.

What gives?

2007-08-23 19:50:55 · 6 answers · asked by Lorenzo H 3 in Law & Ethics

I've been longing to visit Beijing for quite some years.
But I haven't got the chance. What is your impression of China? Have you ever tried Chinese food?

2007-08-23 19:50:46 · 9 answers · asked by ann c 1 in Other - Destinations

I've seen a lot of trolls post really funny things...I'm all in favor that. But some of the things that get posted around here are NOT funny, they are deeply hurtful.
Like someone earlier saying that people who can't procreate shouldn't be allowed to marry. As a woman unable to have children due to being abused as a small child, that really hurts.

Please be more careful about the 'jokes' you post.

Why do people post rubbish like that and find it funny?

2007-08-23 19:50:45 · 17 answers · asked by . 6 in Religion & Spirituality

Days, evenings, nights, weird split shifts......
What are your hours?
I do 3p-11p, 11p-7a, and 7p-7a all in the same week.

2007-08-23 19:50:17 · 25 answers · asked by 1sleepymama 7 in Polls & Surveys

Title is pretty self-explanatory. I typed it up in google and nothing comes up! Why did that guy come? Was it security?

2007-08-23 19:49:59 · 3 answers · asked by VintageFiend 3 in Singing

The problem for me is the I cannot even go near the girl whom I am attracted to and speak with her. Someone please tell me how to start conversation and make her a good friend.

2007-08-23 19:49:59 · 10 answers · asked by Never_known 1 in Singles & Dating

I have Fedora Core 6, Ubuntu and Ark Linux and a few Windows OSs. Which is better at web browsing and gaming? I love Linux but its a pain in the *** to get a dialup modem installed and to find games and programs for it. I cant get high speed internet where I live at dammit!!!!

2007-08-23 19:49:52 · 7 answers · asked by mgs3snake1986 1 in Other - Computers

I heard that in the Netherlands the land is broken up into 3 parts and this determines when schools start and end. Is this true? if so, when are the starting dates? Do the universities start on the same day as the public schools do in that area or are they like some US colleges that start 2-3 weeks before the public/private school? Any other information about the schooling system that you think I might find interesting please add. I am going to college to become a teacher and would love to learn about other culture's schooling.

2007-08-23 19:49:46 · 4 answers · asked by picc0999 2 in Netherlands

2007-08-23 19:49:08 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Geography

We have been in a relationship for almost 9 months now. She dated my best friend right before me, and during that whole time me and her were very close friends. When he broke up with her, she got very depressed, and then me and her started living togethor and soon after that decided to start dating. I basically live at her house now, with her parents, and 2 brothers. We sleep in the same bed, but we've never done anything sexual. Before we both got jobs, we basically spent all day every day together, even though we haven't ever been on a real date.

2007-08-23 19:48:50 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

2007-08-23 19:48:29 · 32 answers · asked by Anonymous in Polls & Surveys

I think not matter who you cheer for the fan should get along. I cheer for dale jr and my friend cheers for gordon and we get along . we joke around about each other choice but it is all in fun. please tell me why the fan can not get along?

2007-08-23 19:48:26 · 18 answers · asked by adkison_jennifer 3 in NASCAR

talking meanly and rudly u all disgust me talking like u all are so great get a life u are all as bad as the next....by the way my dog had 9 pups and are all healthy and so is mom shows howmuch u all know!!!!!!! i would think u all owe me an opology

2007-08-23 19:48:22 · 31 answers · asked by lauriesissons 1 in Dogs

fedest.com, questions and answers