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All categories - 15 August 2007

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So more people are paying attention to global warming. Gore won an Academy Award; people are buying Prius's. All good. Most people in the world could care less.

What earth affecting event needs to occur before everyone on this planet will give up their civil wars and petty squabbles and join together to solve this problem? And when it does, will it be too late to do anything about it?

2007-08-15 12:38:10 · 10 answers · asked by J7 3 in Global Warming

2007-08-15 12:38:09 · 25 answers · asked by LUCKY3 6 in Philosophy

Personally, I’d be an 8.5 or 9 because I’m just a little bit superstitious. I don’t like seeing the moon rise red and my new years eves always suck for some reason. Neither science nor logic can explain this so I remain incomplete in my atheism. But I vehemently reject the possibility of an afterlife and the bible to me is a load of primitive, meaningless, nonsense stories.

2007-08-15 12:37:51 · 16 answers · asked by Desiree 4 in Religion & Spirituality

do you ask really serious question?..or just fun question on here?..i think i do a little bit of both...♥♥♥

2007-08-15 12:37:46 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Polls & Surveys

I am trying to understand Catholicism, and I ask these questions with the uptmost respect.

1. Why do you have to confess your sins to a priest? What are the "spiritual ramifications" if one does not go to confession? Does it always have to be to a priest or can you confess your sins directly to God in prayer?

2. I know the Catholic Bible is different due to the Apocrypha. Why the difference?

3. Why a Pope?

4. Speaking of Popes,.. the current Pope recently released a statement addressing the Catholic church as "the one true church". I understand this to be due to the claim of being able to trace their roots to the days of the apostles, but are persons of other Christian faiths (I am a Lutheran, for example, but Baptists, Methodists.. you get the point)... not really Christians then? What "happens" to them, from a Catholic viewpoint?

5. Can someone please explain purgatory for me? How was it discovered to exist?

2007-08-15 12:37:35 · 8 answers · asked by wimmibear 2 in Religion & Spirituality

2007-08-15 12:37:18 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Polls & Surveys

When my ex and I split up...he kinda took the debt w/ him. I had no credit cards in my name & still don't. He had a few in his name & we used them for different things. When we moved out of our house, he took the big items like the couches, big screen tv, computer, fridges,washer & dryer. Some things we paid cash for others we put on the credit card. Okay in my storage I don't have any of the expensive items maybe just the end tables, coffee table, our bedframe, etc. He doesn't help me w/ the kids money wise. I buy them everything, clothes, haircuts, shoes, etc. Well now he's crying that I should be helping him pay his debt off, that it's messed up that the credit cards are in his name & he's left with the debt. He wants me to give him money each month to put towards one of the cards. I started to feel bad & have been thinking about taking over one of the cards & paying it off. Should I do that even though he don't help me w/ the kids? He even says I owe him $200 because we had a

2007-08-15 12:36:54 · 6 answers · asked by justbeingme_ 2 in Personal Finance

I have installed TI connect, but it does not show me how do do it. All answers are appreciated.

2007-08-15 12:36:53 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Software

can some one tells me what is hamdule habibi....

2007-08-15 12:36:48 · 3 answers · asked by A_n_d_Y 1 in Languages

I just starting playing and am trying to figure it out. My question is, at what distances should I be using each type of disc? Specifically, when should I be using a putter?

Also, I'm currently just using an innova Shark, but am looking to buy more discs. I'd like to get a driver, but do not know if I should bother with a putter until I get better. Distance wise, I have no problem getting in the area of the basket in 2 throws, but need to work on my accuracy. Would a putter help with that, or do I just need practice?

Finally, the Shark has a speed rating of 4 and is 180 grams. How much distance should I expect to pick up with say a 165-170 gram Valkyrie? (speed rating of 9)

2007-08-15 12:36:44 · 2 answers · asked by Vegas Matt 7 in Other - Sports

inmigrants here in the usa and many,many other countries why cant we all get along and love and see each other throughtout gods eyes god love the world so much that he gave his only one son why cant we all love like that!!!!

2007-08-15 12:36:36 · 6 answers · asked by cyndi m 3 in Religion & Spirituality

We put crown molding up and the person who did it used silicone caulk on the edges and joints. I need a paint which will adhere as a base primer so we can paint the trim the color we want.

2007-08-15 12:36:36 · 7 answers · asked by PR 1 in Decorating & Remodeling

Where can i get a LCD TFT 15.1 XGA Screen for laptop, Or Will any old working screens same size fit into this laptop.
I have searched ebay and no joy.
Can anybody tell me which other laptop screens will fit into this packard bell E2560 Easynote.

2007-08-15 12:36:25 · 2 answers · asked by claire1731manchester 2 in Laptops & Notebooks

2007-08-15 12:36:02 · 2 answers · asked by sonia f 1 in Corporations

Why is the speed of light so special compared to any other speed.
why does the universe allow this speed and giving light the privalige to use it
some say light has massless particle properties.
if that were the case then gravity would have no effect on a massless object would that not be true..

2007-08-15 12:35:59 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous in Physics

Who bought AG Edwards, and when, for how much?

2007-08-15 12:35:56 · 3 answers · asked by Lana H 2 in Renting & Real Estate

I really want to go to the University of Hawaii. The program and environment seem to suit me perfectly. I don't see myself getting into a top 25 school, so I'm thinking I should go where I'll be happy. However, I am concerned about my career and am wondering how UH might hinder me. I plan on taking the Japan-focused program, as I plan on working for a multi-national company in Japan. I currently work for one of the world's largest and most prestigious law firms. I'm also a natural "hustler" and feel I can adequately handle myself in any networking/interview situation. I would like to work for an investment bank, like Deutsche Bank. Any advice?

2007-08-15 12:35:54 · 4 answers · asked by willnyu1982 1 in Higher Education (University +)

I'm an agnostic raised in a nonreligious home and I just wanted to read the bible to get a point of view. Also it's supposed to be a great piece of lit. Also it's apparently the atheist's greatest piece of evidence. There's so much discussion on it and I've never read it. I searched for bibles but there's so many different versions... Which version is most standard?

2007-08-15 12:35:45 · 45 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

maybe the coke company is losing money since everyone these days are worried about their weight and health.

2007-08-15 12:35:43 · 27 answers · asked by Erika 3 in Polls & Surveys

... How old are you turning... don't lie now!

Mine is in April, I'll be 22

2007-08-15 12:35:42 · 63 answers · asked by Anonymous in Polls & Surveys

i have bones swiss and i was cleaning them but the balls fall and i dont know how to assemble it again, plz help!

2007-08-15 12:35:37 · 4 answers · asked by John E 1 in Other - Sports

my husband and i bought tickets for my brother and his g.f. to see a concert which is his favorite band ever ! the plan was to get the two of them to take off work about 2-3 days and drive here- which is 7 hrs. away. we werent going to tell him what we were planning til he arrived and then drop the huge surprise. the tickets are already bought for the concert which is a month away. we spent about $200 on tickets for us 4. i told my brother yesterday that he needed to get off to come here and he would love it. i talked to him today and he said his g.f. wont be able to come b/c of college starting back. he still doesnt know if he can get off. i told him to do whatever necessary. he wanted to know what it was and i wont tell. he guessed a concert to see the band and i denied it. my ? is this. should i just go ahead and tell him the plan and ruin the surprise effect now that i'm uncertain if he can come or mail the tickets to him and salvage some surprise ? or tell him over the phone ?help

2007-08-15 12:35:36 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Family & Relationships

also, if it's not, then could any one suggest any schools that are located in NYC?

2007-08-15 12:35:25 · 62 answers · asked by How To Save A Life 2 in Polls & Surveys

OK so went out on a date with a girl I fancy loads last Friday I was chuffed cus she asked me out went really really well we went to a cocktail bar, good fun , even got a kiss at the end of the night, But ever since she has turned just a bit cold we work in the same place so I talk to her ever day, and we get on really well and I send her an odd text in the evening, how do I get her to come on a second date with me. Ive hinted a few time and she always mad the point of letting me know she was doing something else. How do I avoid getting trapped in the friend zone ???

2007-08-15 12:35:24 · 18 answers · asked by cokoc_dude 1 in Singles & Dating

just for fun and ill take any cheek from anyone with great enthusiasm lol.. what kind of person do you think im really like ..profiles and questions and answers, do they tell us much about a persons personality .. what do you think ????

2007-08-15 12:35:24 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

Do the antibodies made from the company Mederex cure cancer? Is this very promising to cure cancer?

2007-08-15 12:35:19 · 3 answers · asked by M m 1 in Medicine

then ppl give you weird looks//

2007-08-15 12:35:18 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous in Polls & Surveys

He wears abt a 6 in shorts, but takes like an 8 in jeans, which are sooo long. ive looked on line , on here with no luck, seems i keep getting chubby baby stuff when i do a search.

2007-08-15 12:34:56 · 13 answers · asked by Sugga Mama 4 in Grade-Schooler

Atheist rapper "Dont Push Your Belief"
It's free to download

2007-08-15 12:34:55 · 27 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

2007-08-15 12:34:47 · 35 answers · asked by Anonymous in Adolescent

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