Find the hidden message – Give special attention to the colours and to the time of year the sun is in the signs.
Ram aka Aries = 1
Ruled by mars, exalted by the sun.
Babylonians sacrificed rams when the sun was in Aries between March 21 to April 20.
Apparently, Aries rules Britain, Denmark, Germany, Lithuania, Poland, Syria, Naples, Padua, Zaragosa, and Utrecht.
Colours = red and white.
Bull aka Taurus = 2
Incarnation of God Osiris. Sacred Apis.
Ruled by Venus, exalted by the moon.
The Maia’s celebrate a feast when the sun is in Taurus between April 21 to May 20.
The sun is represented by a white bull with a gold disk between its horns.
Rules Ireland, Iran, Netherlands, Soviet Republic, Azerbaijan, Byelorussia, Georgia, Dublin, Leipzip, Palermo, St. Louis, Missouri.
Colours = Red and Citron.
Twins aka Gemini = 3
Ruled by Mercury, schizoid sun.
The sun is in Gemini between May 21 to June 20.
Rules Belgium, Sudan, United States, Britain, Soviet Republic of Armenia, Sardinia, London, Louvain, Nuremberg, Versailles. The constellation stars Castor and Pollux are associated with Rome.
Colours = red and white.
Crab aka Cancer = 4
Ruled by the moon (known as the moon children).
The sun is in Cancer between June 21 to July 22.
Rules Scottland, western Africa, Amsterdam, Berne, Cadiz, Genai, Istanbul, Manchester, Milan, New York, Stockholm, Tunis, Venice, York.
Colours = Green.
Lion aka Leo = 5
Ruled by the sun.
The sun is in Leo between July 23 to August 22.
Rules Bohemia, France, Italy, Sicily, Sardinia, Lebanon, Cappadocia, Chaldea, Bath, Bombay, Bristol, Chicago, Damascus, Detroit, Miami, Portsmouth, Prague, Rome.
Colours = red and gold.
Virgin aka Virgo = 6
Ruled by Mercury.
The sun is in Virgo between August 23 to September 22.
Rules Assyria, Babylon, Cardia, Corinth, Crete, Croatia, Mesopotania, Thessalonia, Turkey, Switzerland, Bagdad, Jerusalem, Basel, Boston, Heideburg, Lyon, Paria, England, Washington DC.
Colours = white, others say black with blue splotches.
Scales aka Libra = 7
Ruled by Venus, exalted by Saturn
The sun is in Libra between September 23 to October 22.
Rules Argentina, Austria, Burma, China, Egypt, Japan, Tibet, Antwerp, Lisbon, Vienna.
Colours = dark crimson, black.
Scorpion aka Scorpio = 8
Linked to the constellation Aquila “The Eagle”.
Ruled by Mars, exalted by Uranus.
The sun is in Scorpio between October 23 to November 22.
Rules Bovaria, Norway, northwestern Africa, Morocco, Algeria, Barbary Coast, Ghent, Liverpool, Messina, and New Orleans.
Colours = dark brown.
Archer aka Sagittarius = 9
Named as Babylonian God of war. The Romans identify the Archer as Chiron.
Ruled by Jupiter (king of all the planets).
The sun is in Sagittarius between November 23 to December 21.
Rules Hungary, Spain, Saudi Arabia, Italy, Tucson region, Yugoslavia, Avignon, Budapest, Cologne Naples, Sheffield.
Colours = Pale, olive green.
Goat aka Capricorn = 10
Capricorn = Capricornus.
Capricorn legend indicates that when the Greek god’s were at war with the giants they were driven into Egypt, pursued by Typhon. Pan leaped into the Nile and changed his body into part goat and into part of a fish (Sea Goat). Capricorn is associated to dolphins.
Ruled by Saturn.
The sun is in Capricorn between December 22 to January 20.
Rules Bulgaria, India (Punjab), Lithuania, Mexico, German States, Hesse, Saxony, Brussels, Oxford, Port Said.
Colours = dark brown, black.
Water Bearer aka Aquarius = 11
Ruled by Uranus or Neptune (King of the sea).
The sun is in Aquarius between January 21 to February 20.
Rules Europe, Lithuania, Poland, Russia, Sweden, German states, Bremen, Hanbury, Federal Republic of Germany.
Colour = sky blue
Fishes aka Pisces = 12
Legend states that Aphrodite and Eros changed themselves into two fishes to obtain safety in the water.
Ruled by Jupiter.
The sun is in Pisces between February 21 to March 20.
Rules Southeast Asia, Sahara Desert, northern Africa, Barbary coast, Egypt, Portugal, Spanish Galicia, France, Normandy, Alexandria, Cleveland, Ohio, Seville.
Colours = glistening white
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