my son is 4 months old and has been bottlefed since he was three weeks old. he has always ate fine on the bottle, and hasn't been too picky about nipples or the transition from breast to bottle. well, he got his 4 month vacinations yeasterday and ever since he has been fighting me about eating. since 7:30 last night, he has eaten less than 10 ounces. it is now 1 pm. i don't know what to do. everytime i try to feed him, he pushes the bottle away with his hands and when i try to gently push his hands away he cries. he doesn't have a fever and our ped says he isn't teething. i'm nervous about this, not to mention a tad bit frustrated. has anyone had this probelm before? we haven't switched nipples, btw.
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Newborn & Baby