I asked a more generic question earlier, and got some terrific answers as to why most people who deny Global Warming do so. Interesting, and lots to think about. (See http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20070629091646AACc4D6 for those answers.)
But I realized that the answers didn't discuss a couple of aspects. Therefore, here is one about the political motivation.
I realize that President Bush is an oil man, and he and his people might have financial reasons to want to maintain an oil economy, but that just doesn't seem enough to explain to me non-oil politicians being against trying to save humanity from extreme climate change problems.
My question is clear: I want to understand the political motivation to keep denying the human need to work on slowing Global Warming. Please don't lecture me on why my premise is wrong. If you believe my premise is wrong, but have a good explanation for the political motivation, describe the politics-don't flame me for my position.
16 answers
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Global Warming