A while back, I replaced the headlight motor on my '88 firebird. After I did that, the radio, dome light, horn, door locks, and hatch lock stopped working. the door locks still work with the button on the alarm remote but not from inside the, but the rear hatch will not open without using the key (there is a button inside the car as well as on the remote).
when I replaced the headlight motor, I was an a$shole and forgot to disconnect the battery. when I pulled the top part of the motor out, the rod that spins the gears on the bottom touched the side of the motor case. It made a spark. Now, as I explained above, stuff stopped working on the car. I'm only looking into this now as I've been replacing a leaking head gasket so I put the electrical problem on the backburner. Any info would help as I don't know a whole lot about electrical systems.
Thanks in advance
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Maintenance & Repairs