So I'm looking for a new head unit to put in my car. There are a few requirements, as well as a few "nice" features that i could live without if need be.
First, the "musts":
1. Single DIN.
2. Plays MP3 CDs.
3. Supports RDS (radio station info).
4. Around 200w maximum power output.
5. A "clean" all-black look to it (ie, no chrome knobs, multicolor lights, etc).
Now, the "would be nice to have" features:
1. USB port.
2. RCA input/output.
3. Some kind of bus connector for perhipherals (CD changer, iPod, Satellite receiver, etc).
4. Somewhat high resolution screen, ie, not the generic single-line digital readout, multi-line readable text is preferred.
My vehicle (Jeep Liberty) has an aqua/green sort of illumination to it, so it would be nice if I could find a head unit that has the same.
If anyone could give up some suggestions, that would be great.
5 answers
asked by
John Titor
Car Audio