Back when my boyfriend and I were first really getting to know each other about 6 months ago, we took turns telling our deepest secret. Mine was sexual and it was something that I am ashamed of and something that makes me cry every time I think about it. Now months later, if something makes him think of it, he will suddenly become real cold and not want to touch me. The secret happened many years ago before I ever knew him and I don't like to think about it, but he seems to hold it against me. I get mad at him and cry whenever he brings it up, because he can't seem to let it go, but then he gets defensive and avoids me. Besides this, he is a good boyfriend. He just doesn't know how to deal with this. I wish I had never told him now, but what's done is done. How does a guy get over something that he didn't want to know about a girl's past?
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Singles & Dating