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All categories - 12 June 2007

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i have never gotten a pimple and this morning i woke up with one. I have to go on a date next week and i have a pimple. DOES ANYONE KNOW ANY PRODUCTS THAT WORK THAT I CAN USE?

2007-06-12 12:40:25 · 11 answers · asked by mE 2 in Other - Skin & Body

2007-06-12 12:40:25 · 25 answers · asked by Shaz 5 in Polls & Surveys

So if you "don't care" don't answer. If you want to comment on my "indoctrination," "brainwashing," "ignorance," etc...don't bother. I think I get the idea.
1. Atheists-do you know the definitions of faith and superstition? Superstition is based on fear, all faith is not based on fear of hell or punishment. That is a false concept of God.
2. Not all Christians, or other people of faith have unexamined faith lives. Many people have questioned their faith, their beliefs, and their concepts of God, and still come out with faith. Many people aren't afraid of doubt.
3. Not all Christians take the Bible literally, or consider it proof of God's existence.

2007-06-12 12:40:25 · 22 answers · asked by keri gee 6 in Religion & Spirituality

The closer I grow to God, and the more I learn about the strategic and hateful actions of Satan, the more I've wondered about this.

According to the scriptures below, can a Christian be saved, born again, and filled with the Holy Spirit while hating Satan and demons?

Psalms 5:5 The boasters shall not set themselves before Your eyes. You "hate" all workers of iniquity.

Psalms 11:5 Jehovah tries the righteous, but His soul "hates" the wicked and the one loving violence.

Pro 6:16-19 These six things Jehovah hates; yea, seven are hateful to his soul... a false witness who breathes lies, and he who causes strife among brothers.

Hoseah 9:15 All their wickedness is in Gilgal, for there I hated them. I will drive them out of My house for the wickedness of their doings, I will not add to love them; all their rulers are revolters.

Rev 2:6 But this thou hast, that thou hatest the deeds of the Nicolaitans, which I also hate.

2007-06-12 12:40:20 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

some sources say scorpio while others say sagitarius...

2007-06-12 12:40:20 · 9 answers · asked by Sol 2 in Horoscopes

He claims to have been an Atheist before. But would someone who really understood Atheism actually fall for the lame arguments that he has now fallen for?

2007-06-12 12:39:51 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

2007-06-12 12:39:44 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Women's Health

how long should i wait until i can change the stud????

2007-06-12 12:39:33 · 5 answers · asked by leslie 2 in Tattoos

Ok, so I’d liked him for 2 years and at the time, [ 2 years ago] I wasn’t noticing how immature or dumb he was, I just loved his very funny personality. We had this thing called ‘the stare game’ where almost everyday in one way or another we’d always be staring at each other. This especially happened more when the two classes of mine he was in, in my 8th grade class were suddenly without his presence as the semester ended and a new one began. As we moved on to high school, the staring was just the same [if not a little more even], but we didn’t have any classes together so we never spoke, though various times I would find a way to make myself ‘noticed’ to him by walking into the class of the same teacher I had a diff. period and asking him (the teacher) a random question, though I’d never be bold enough to talk to my crush himself. So as the year when ton nothing between us really happened, he just looked at me a lot and vice versa. Then this year, EVERYTHING had to change. He came to finally be in one of my classes and at first I was kind of upset that he was, but then I started being happy a little. He never really talked to me unless he had to, or wanted something, but then we started getting used to each other I guess and he started joking around with me a little like he used to. As the months progressed I was once again on a dumb roller coaster ride. There were days he made me happy and I just knew he absolutely liked me, and then days he would just ignore me or flirt with other girls and I’d end up crying for that stupid reason. The staring was still going on by the way, at lunch or when ever he was with his friends he never really stopped. There was one day where my I was sitting in my desk reading a magazine and my teacher told me to put it away and my friend just blurts out [to him] “Why are you always staring at her? Do you like her?” and he answers (in the most un sarcastic voice ever) “Yea, I like her…” then starts rambling on about how I was putting away the book all slow after the teacher had told me to put it away…So that really got me thinking. Then we went on Holiday break for two weeks and came back. Nothing really changed that much. He was still staring and I was starting to think of ways to tell him how I felt. Then, he started being really mean to me. I mean really. I don’t even know why I still liked him after this, but yea. He’d yell at me and sorta push me out the way when I was up getting my book or the papers we were supposed to be getting that day, and he and his little immature 9th grade friend were always laughing and looking at me, so I knew they were talking about me. Stupid as it was, it made me cry, but I still had feelings for him. And the staring was ending either. Then exactly a month ago tomorrow, I did something I’d never dreamed of doing. I told him I liked him. I wrote him a note and told him how I felt. Just three days earlier he’d called me ugly because he thought I’d been talking about him, when it was really my friend who was making the joke [I was just laughing w/her]. So, why I wrote him the note still, I guess you could say I’m just really stupid. If you can’t tell by now he’s way immature to the point where he acts like a 6th grader trapped in a 10th grader’s body, he’s not the brightest bulb in the box and he’s very outgoing and can make friends with almost anyone whereas I’m maybe almost the exact opposite. So for the next 9 days I was DYING anticipating what his reply was going to be because we were on Spring Break and I didn’t see him. Come the Monday we come back……nothing happened. I was so sure he was just going to give me a note back telling me he didn’t feel the same way or something, but he didn’t even do that. He never even tried to talk to me. So I couldn't even bring myself to look at him during the period, but my friend told me he was staring at me. And for the rest of the week nothing happened. He never talked to me, but stared, and continued to laugh and play around in class like he’d never even read the note. Then the next Monday, I decided to talk to him about it. After class I went up to him and asked him if we could talk and he agreed. I asked him about the note and why he never wrote back (I also noticed how nervous he’d suddenly become) to which I got the reply “I don’t write notes,” which is understandable because I guess most guys don’t. So I then asked him what he thought and how he felt. (by now he was half way to his seat in his next class and I was standing there in the doorway) “I just wanna be friends.” Came out of his mouth and I said Ok and left it at that. ‘Friends’…what type of friends he thought we were I don’t understand that. How you can call someone who you’re so mean to a friend, I don’t know. The next couple of days, I was pretty happy I’d just even had enough guts to talk to him about it, but then I started realizing how much I really wanted to add a d onto the “I like you” I’d written in the note. Because by the time I’d wrote the note I was already starting to get over him slowly and I felt like the note was just “something I needed to do” to finnaly get over him. The day after that little talk he stared. And then a couple of days later his little 9th grade friend was like “no eye contact!” when he’d gotten up to get a paper he needed, making me think my (ex) crush had let his friends make his decision for him instead of he making it himself. So now we’re here and the staring (though diminished just a tad) still happens sometimes, we never talk in class anymore he goes on with his life in class just as happy and immature as ever and without a care. Finally, my question to you is, do you think he did like me? I only care because I felt like he really did at some point. There were so many things that he did that at one point I was so sure….and if so, what do you think could have happened or changed that made him give up as I now have on him?

2007-06-12 12:39:30 · 5 answers · asked by cherry♥cola~ 1 in Singles & Dating

Would you like to be abandoned there?

2007-06-12 12:39:22 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Polls & Surveys

I am 8.5 weeks and when I take my prenatal pills they make me vomit. Any suggestions?

2007-06-12 12:39:15 · 18 answers · asked by Sunshine 2 in Pregnancy

ok so yes...im bored and feel like giving people points. So if anyone can name a fact about Rent i don't know i will vote you best answer. First unknown fact wins. go :)

2007-06-12 12:38:57 · 7 answers · asked by newyorkrbust2010 2 in Theater & Acting

It's so damned annoying! Oh yeah and before some sad prat writes something like Weel u cun allwaz stop reeding em don't bother cos I've replied like that to loads of answers<:-{)>

2007-06-12 12:38:55 · 14 answers · asked by Noryb 1 in Languages

When I'm in a pool and I open my eyes, it's all blurry and it hurts. It hurts even when I'm not moving. is there a way to stop those?

2007-06-12 12:38:54 · 23 answers · asked by kmmtock 1 in Swimming & Diving

if you like Randy Travis,,,you like Randy Traywick,,,the drunk,,who stole his bosses wife to get where he is. Right or wrong,,,for him to be so sleazy to get ahead?

2007-06-12 12:38:33 · 4 answers · asked by rhardfrumnc 4 in Country

Has anyone else had this problem, the battery isn't getting charged at all. It has worked fine before but recently it won't work. New battery or charger?

2007-06-12 12:38:23 · 2 answers · asked by momma whitley 2 in Toys

Also there is a retarded janitor in it that has a blow up doll with him all the time. Somebody got killed by an eggplant in it too.

2007-06-12 12:38:05 · 5 answers · asked by bigtank3938 2 in Movies

im an A cup, till growing! Are smaller breasts more sensitive to rubbing and masturbation?

plus they are easyer to deal with and they dont get in the way

2007-06-12 12:38:02 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Women's Health

or do you slide down the bannister?

2007-06-12 12:37:54 · 33 answers · asked by ..... 6 in Polls & Surveys

Thou shalt not make thee any graven image, or any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the waters beneath the earth: Deuteronomy 5:8

2007-06-12 12:37:48 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

ok so whats the deal with him...i heard from all his friend co workers that he likes me, and they tease him about it, he knows i think he's cute...but hasnt made a move. he gives some hints like he doesnt say hi,or be playful with me but is goofy around everybody else, once i was talking to him and he was at the computer and he turned around and looked straight into my eyes for the longest time while i was talking to him, i always catch anaylising every move i do (say i look at him or smile or laugh), and asks his female co-workes what that means, etc, once i caught him staring at me when i was walking toward his direction until i got near him and had to go to the other side and lost sight if he was looking...i was told he was dating this girl at work but i never see them together she was even making fun of how he likes me to other co-worker the other day,so i think that a rumor. also he must know i know portuguese cuz he was said hi to me in port. and said he was learning the language

2007-06-12 12:37:47 · 2 answers · asked by 101 1 in Singles & Dating

Does this mean that while the church is here in the world the end can't come until the gospel of the grace of God is preached world-wide? Jesus is answering the question about a sign of the end of the age, and maybe not promoting sending the gospel to the ends of the earth. I am a little confused.

2007-06-12 12:37:33 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

I need some facts for a science progect

2007-06-12 12:37:29 · 3 answers · asked by mana7 3 in Earth Sciences & Geology

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