I decided about 5 weeks ago to get my tank going again. I cleaned it with just water, used 50% new ground pebbles and 50% old ground pebbles (from when my tank was running before). I cleaned all the pebbles VERY well under warm water. I also put in 3 items that I had in there before; a large stone that the fish can swim in and out of, a piece of wood, and a colorful greek pillar thingy. All the items were in storage in a box in my attic, and cleaned VERY well before putting them back in the tank. I have a dual layer external filter with large stones and a rough filter pad on the bottom layer and smaller stones and a fine filter pad on top. I also have a Nitrit bag in the filter to keep the water clear. The filter is old, but everything inside is new. I put in 1 bottle of the filter starter.
I am using Nitravec to try and get the Nitrate levels down, but they are not dropping. I don't have any fish or plants in the tank yet. I did a 1/3 water change and cleaned the filter
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