Since it's Oscar week, and Jack Nicholson is a frequent topic, I wondered if anyone else was as surprised and moved as I was by the end of "As Good As It Gets" when Nicholson tells Greg Kinear's character, robbed, beaten to a pulp, evicted and disowned, that he didn't know what else to do with his belongings, so he had them put in a spare bedroom until he got situated, and you expect to see cartons piled up, but instead he's had the room completely decorated, everything put away, an easel set up under the skylight, and his dog waiting for him. I'm at work with tears in my eyes just thinking about it. Is it just me?
While we've been trashing movies and TV for stereotyping gays, maybe this one actually got it right.
Not a gay issue, but I also was blown away when Helen Hunt's character lambastes the suit she thinks is a social worker come to take her son away only to learn that he's the chief of cardiology at NYC's most pretigious hospital making a house call.
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Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender