If the Bible were really the word of a perfect, all-powerful God, one would reasonably expect it to be superlative in every respect--accurate, clear, concise, and consistent. The following references provide just a few of the reasons why the bible is not credible, and causes confusion, chaos, and the inability to discern God, morality, faith, or love.
GE 6:6. EX 32:14, NU 14:20, 1SA 15:35, 2SA 24:16 God does change his mind.
NU 23:19-20, 1SA 15:29, JA 1:17 God does not change his mind.
1JN 3:6-9 Christians become righteous (or else they are not really Christians).
RO 3:10, 3:23, 1JN 1:8-10 No one was or is righteous.
MT 26:52 Dispose of swords. All who take the sword will perish by it.
LK 22:36-38 Buy swords.
NU 11:33 God inflicts sickness.
JB 2:7 Satan inflicts sickness.
DT 30:11-20 It is possible to keep the law.
RO 3:20-23 It is not possible to keep the law.
MK 3:29 Blasphemy is an unforgivable sin.
AC 13:39, CN 2:13, 1JN 1:9 All sins are forgiveable
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Religion & Spirituality