I took the Belief-o-matic quiz and my final analysis was Baha'i. But there are parts on the religion I don't necessarily agree with. Here are my reasons and ideas:
Belief in Deity:
Baha'i Beliefs -
One personal God Almighty, creator, omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent--incorporeal spirit.
My Beliefs -
I believe that all Gods are the same God. God has only decided to show himself to certain people based on a form and story that they would comprehend and understand. For we are all different.
After Death:
Baha'i Beliefs -
Literal interpretations of resurrection, heaven, and hell are regarded as figments of imagination. Resurrection is the spiritual awakening that occurs upon the appearance of a new Manifestation. Heaven is the indescribable bliss of closeness to God, harmony with God's will as revealed by the Manifestations--eternal spiritual life. The closer one is to knowing and loving God, the greater the joy of paradise. Hell is the self-made torture of isolation from God--spiritual death. Unlimited spiritual growth toward perfection continues after death.
My Beliefs -
I believe that the after life is what YOU want it to be. So, there for, it cannot be described or explained. I do believe in the devil, demons, and hell and that hell is also what you believe it will be (for example...what you fear the most or what you dislike the most will be your punishment for all eternity.)
Why Evil?:
Baha'i Beliefs -
No original sin or Satan. The human nature that God created is all good, including both animal and spiritual aspects. God also gave people free will, and some will choose to express their inherently good nature in imperfect ways. The concept of Satan in the scriptures is symbolic for humans' choice to express the lower or animal side of their nature in ways that separate them from God. Those farthest from God are most prone to wrongdoing.
My Beliefs -
I'm not entirely sure I believe in origional sin but I refuse to rule it out. Also, as stated above, I do believe in Satan and that his actions can and do cause wrong doings.
Undeserved Suffering:
Baha'i Beliefs -
All suffering, including that caused by natural disasters, are God's will as a punitive, educational, or remedial response to individual or to humanity's denial of God and disobedience to the Divine Commands. All of humanity suffer when one commits wrong, and all benefit when one does good. The best often suffer the most for humanity's misdeeds. Nonpunitive suffering is part of God's plan to challenge the soul with adversity. Suffering educates the sufferer and aids spiritual growth toward perfection. Suffering helps people to remember God in their grief. The suffering of innocents will be greatly rewarded in the world to come.
My Beliefs -
I agree but...I believe there is much more to it than that. That there are reasons we are punished (such as for wrong doings) but also to learn valuable leasons. I do, somewhat, believe in reencarnation (or that we have a choice to be reborn.)
So my big problem is...if this one is my 100% choice then why do I not agree with all of it? Is there a religion out there that I will COMPLETELY agree with or is it natural to disbelieve some of all religions?
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Religion & Spirituality