If John 14:6 tells us that "Jesus is the way, truth and life"; then
why are most(Matt.7:13; Phil.2:21) of the world not following him such as Catholics, Sunday Keepers, Jehovah Witnesses and Seventh Day Adventists? I want to hear from these groups; is it because you want to deny Jesus?
1st Example: Jesus kept the Sabbath Saturday(John 4:22-24; Acts 13:27); but most people will tell you it's Sunday; where's their evidence?
I mean when you're in grade school; they even tell you the seventh day is Saturday.You're telling me that Jews kept Sunday; Jews don't keep Sunday, they keep Saturday. Wasn't Jesus a (Matt.2:2)Jew? Now my point is: if the Encyclopedia tells us the Sabbath is Saturday; then isn't most of the world sinning(James 2:10; 1John 3:4)?
Note: Catholics took out the 2nd commandment and put the 4th into the
third commandment which they call the Sabbath; didn't they try to
change God's Law as foretold in Dan.7:25.
Evidence from the Catholic Source and other christian churches:
Now if you're going to tell me he rose Sunday; who said "he rose
Sunday"(2Tim.2:18)--doesn't mainstream christianity again; the one's
that don't have the truth. It seems they assume alot and do too much
guess work instead of relying on God and his Word.
2nd Example: What about the (Lev.23)Sabbath Feast Days in
John 7:2,6,8,11,14; 1Corinthians 11:20-31; John 14:1,12,14,16,17,
22-25 that Jesus kept? Why all the deceit that they're done away
with? If they were done away with at the cross; then why did the
(Eph.2:20)Apostles keep the Sabbath(Acts 14:44; 17:2 ) and
(Acts 2:1; 20:6,16; Rom.5:11; 1Cor.5:6-8; 16:8; 1Thess.4:16)
Sabbath Feast Days?
1COR.3:11 = "For other foundation can no man lay that is laid,
which is Jesus Christ."
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Religion & Spirituality