I am very optimist person, always in my life I liked to advance my knowledge’s, but my situations is like this: I started to work when I was very young, now I am 52 years old, I have very god health, also I have very good job, before to many years I started to study but my situations in my country was this I had to stopped my studies, last year I started to study but again I didn’t have chance to go at university in speech and exercises I am saying like this because I am a person without holding speech and exercises I can’t learn so for me is big problem because I can’t calm down my heard without University also I see I can’t learn by myself If I am not holding speech and exercises, what to do please advice me, maybe you like to know what I am studding, I started to study English Language and Literature, please help me, don’t be surprise with may edges because I feel myself very yon and my brain is very fresh everybody saying to me that you look very young and you have knowledge’s to study university please help me
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