who say that they only come here to work and support a family, deserving of rights, why is it that they can't do it the legal way (you know, stand in long INS lines and pay thousands of dollars toward the process)? Before you say they can;t afford it, take a look at this example:
Many would agree that there are some US citizens that are struggling to make ends meet every day, living from paycheck to paycheck with familes to support. Most of these Americans have cars, and in some states, are required to have car insurance as mandated by law. Since they are living from paycheck to paycheck, however, some can't afford to buy the required insurance (the decision they are faced with is usually pay the the insurance or pay the rent). Now if they are pulled over by a police officer, ticketed, appear in court, and tell the judge that they did not insurance because they could not afford it but they needed to drive the car so that they could keep their job, the judge will politely say that
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