Here's a challenge. Last year I heard a melancholy, folky tune on the radio in between jumpy Christmas jingles, but I barely remember the lyrics. The delivery and vocal tone is kind of oldschool Carly Simon-esque, for all I know about music that's older than me. The plot of the song is that a man, speaking in first person, meets an old lover on the street. They have a chat in his car and reminisce about old times. Though she confides that she's married, and doesn't love her husband, the woman walks away after they finish their conversation, implying that both have missed their chance at happiness. I think the lyrics include the phrase "I asked her if she loved him back" and the final phrase notes that the weather is "turning into rain." Apart from that, I think New Years is mentioned at some point. Aren't I the marvellously unhelpful one?
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