i asked two questions, both of them wondering why minorities were afraid of the white man. the answer were interesting and those questions are still up for further research.Lets say that this question was asked by three college professors to see what groups would respond in the most passionate way. Never did this question state that all minorities fear the white man or that prejudice was ever justified but it seems, and by avatar only, that ethnic and female respondents where the most distressed by this notion. No one was upset or sensitive to the fact that white men were called ugly, stupid, uncoordinated or weak. This was a two part question and we, the three organizers have in one hour seen a trend of ethnic and female avatars respond in an oversensitive manner and misconstrue the question to label "us" as racist. This method, although not scientific could show that women and minorities are more susceptible to feelings of inferiority. Thier responses to the questions were bolder
2 answers
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